The exhibition shows the Second World War period in Šaleška dolina valley in all its extensiveness. Occupation of Slovene Styria and the enemy did not give the Slovene people any chance to survive. The enemy's goal was to entirely Germanize the country in 3 to 5 years.
Occupation, violence and terror lead to revolt which was the only way out. The second part of the exhibition is consecrated to the revolt of the Slovene people, the national liberation movement with the emphasis on the activities of the 14th division and capitulation of German unities in Topolščica.
The linking element of the exhibition is poet Karel Destovnik - Kajuh. The exhibition is also consecrated to national heroes Dušan Mravljak - Mrož and Miha Pintar - Toledo and several other warriors, activists and individuals who collaborated in the mass revolt against the enemy. The main element is a cherry blossom from Kajuh's poem that symbolizes antiwar thoughts and summarizes the main idea of the exhibition.