

Founded in 2011, rosenfeld occupies a prime location in the heart of the dynamic gallery district of London’s Fitzrovia.
London, United Kingdom
Founded in

Past events



Loud. Courtesy of Rosenfeld porcini
Sebastian Gordin. If animals didn't exist..., Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Sebastian Gordin. If animals didn't exist..., Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Sebastian Gordin. If animals didn't exist..., Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Sebastian Gordin. If animals didn't exist..., Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Sebastian Gordin. If animals didn't exist..., Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Almagno, Tremula, 2004, wood, 50x50x10cm
Almagno, Velario 2009-2010, wood, 210x120x30cm
Enrique Brinkmann, Reportaje señalizado, 2013, chinese ink and acrylic on white board, 99 x 148,5 cm
Enrique Brinkmann, Fuga del azul, 2013, oil on steel mesh, 198 x 158 cm
Robert Muntean, Your life was into my mouth, 2013, oil on canvas, 200 x 240 cm
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