Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery

Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery


Eventi passati



Combining Materials. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Combining Materials. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery
Loud. Courtesy of Rosenfeld porcini
The Figure in Contemporary Art. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini
Spazio Visivo, CamerAptica, 2006
Nicola Samori studio, 2014, L’Âge Mûr
Lu Chao, Cake shop, 2015, oil on canvas, 121 x 91 cm
Nicola Samorì, Untitled, 2014, carrara marble, 62 x 27 x 36 cm
Bongsu Park, CELL, 2014, three channels HD video, 2'40'', Editions of 3, 2 AP
Bongsu Park, CUBE, 2011, twin screen HD video - Cube performance (left), Cube room (right)3'00'', Editions of 3, 2 AP
Enrique Brinkmann, Reportaje señalizado, 2013, chinese ink and acrylic on white board, 99 x 148,5 cm
Robert Muntean, Your life was into my mouth, 2013, oil on canvas, 200 x 240 cm
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