Allene Lage
Joined Meer in July 2024
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Allene Lage

Allene Lage holds a post-doctorate in Human Rights from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Graduate Program in Human Rights (2016), and a post-doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2012). She earned her doctorate in Sociology from the University of Coimbra (2006) and a master's degree in Public Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation - Rio de Janeiro (2001).

In 2006, through a public competition, she joined the Federal University of Pernambuco - Agreste Campus as a Professor, ranking 1st place. In 2022, she passed internal exams for Full Professorship. She teaches in the Pedagogy course, covering compulsory subjects such as Social Movements and Education, Pedagogical Research and Practice 3 (social movements), as well as elective subjects like Theater of the Oppressed as Critical Educational Practice, Field Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, and Racisms and Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations Equality.

Within the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Education, she teaches mandatory courses such as Methodology of Educational Research, and elective subjects including Epistemologies of the South and Education, Latin American Pedagogical Thought, Foundations for Non-Sexist Education, and Education and Social Movements.

She was a Visiting Professor at the University of Salamanca in Spain in 2010, selected by CNPq (National Research Council) of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil.

She has led research projects funded by CNPq, such as "Epistemological mirrors of pedagogical practices of activists and militant educators of social movements in Pernambuco" (2024-2026 ongoing), "Evolution of women's higher education in feminist and LGBT movements. Political and pedagogical trajectories of activists of the World March of Women and Struggles and Hearts in Caruaru, PE" (2019-2023), and "Looking at Educação do Campo from Latifundium to Agrarian Reform. Analysis of the schooling trajectory in Pernambuco from the 1970s to the 2010s" (2013-2017).

She is the founder and Coordinator of the Observatory of Social Movements in Latin America at UFPE/CAA since 2007. She was Sectoral Coordinator of Extension at the Rural Campus of UFPE (2006-2010).

She created and coordinated the Preacademic Project "SuperAção" at the Agreste Campus, preparing public school students for UFPE entrance exams from 2008 to 2021.

Coordinator of the Project "Conexiones de Saberes: dialogues between the university and popular communities," financed by the federal government from 2006 to 2010 at the Agreste Campus of UFPE. Coordinator of PROJOVEM CAMPO - Physical Education Improvement Project, training 900 teachers from rural schools in the interior of Pernambuco (2009-2011), financed by the National Education Fund. She serves as a member of the evaluation committee for the CAPES Thesis Award in the Interdisciplinary area and as an evaluator for FACEPE (Pernambuco Research Support Foundation).

In 2017, she received the II Lutas e Cores LGBT Citizenship Award in the Academic Community Representative Category at the II Commemorative Seminar of the Lutas e Cores social movement in Caruaru. In 2018, she was honored with the title of Ciudadana de Caruaru by the Caruaru City Council.

Her teaching, research, and extension activities focus on educational knowledge and identity processes within emancipatory struggles of popular social movements, with an emphasis on diversity struggles including gender, sexualities, feminisms, and Epistemologies of the South.

She has published articles in Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Portugal, and Spain. She authored the book "Educação e Movimentos Sociais: caminhos para uma pedagogia de luta" published by University Publisher UFPE in 2013. She is also the co-editor and founder of the "Debates Insubmissos" magazine, along with Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Maria Paula Meneses.

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