M. K. Čiurlionis’ parents bought two log houses in 1896. In order to refine the exterior walls, they were covered with planks, as this was a typical way of finishing at that time, the space inside was arranged into an ante-room, a kitchen, several rooms, and a veranda. The parents’ room is not large but tidy, the walls are adorned with the reproductions of Rembrandt’s David and Uriah and The angel by M. K. Čiurlionis.

Upon entering the living room, you will see an authentic musical instrument – harmonium played by children, several artworks – a folk woodcut The crucifixion, the reproductions of paintings – The last supper (a detail) by Leonardo da Vinci, Christ on the Mount of Olives (oil on canvas, 1909) and St. Roch (oil on canvas, 1907) by M. K. Čiurlionis. The grand piano is played during concerts organized at the House-Museum.

The veranda previously served as an extra room for guests to stay in the summer. Here you can see copies of train tickets and train timetables from the Railway Museum, displayed on the table and a bed, also a sketch design of the interior of the Čiurlionis’ family dwelling house (after the narration by the artist’s sister Valerija Čiurlionytė- Karužienė).

The second house of the Čiurlionis’ family consisted of two rooms, a kitchen, and M. K. Čiurlionis’ study located in front of the entrance. To repay the loan, the parents rented the house for tourists during the summer season. After arranging the exhibit in the house, the M. K. Čiurlionis Memorial Museum was opened here on 16 June 1963. Here you can look round the restored interior of three rooms – a kitchen, a spacious living room and M. K. Čiurlionis’ workshop which had retained several items that belonged to the artist – a paint case and an easel; on the wall by the table, you will see the photographs of mother Adelė Radmanaitė- Čiurlionienė and the artist’s wife Sofija Kymantaitė-Čiurlionienė. Another, quite spacious room on the right has been designed by joining two smaller areas. The walls are adorned with a reproduction of M. K. Čiurlionis’ painting Christ (oil on canvas, 1905), and an embroidered handicraft Madonna with a child by his mother.

The exhibit in this House-Museum is supplemented with books donated by Prof. Jadvyga Čiurlionytė, among them the works by famous composers, and a piano brought from Poland, which the artist used to play while studying at the Warsaw Institute of Music.