It is the richest class of invertebrates, making up about 90% of all animal species. It is known around 1,2 million of insect (Insecta) species around the world by now.
Section of insect collection consists of more than 170 thousands showpieces (which belong to over 14,000 species), while 9700 of them are exposed to visitors of museum. Exposition of insects is made up of two parts: systematic and zoogeographic. Insects in systematic part are arranged in systematic principle starting from the most archaic insects – odonatas, cockroaches, to the most perfect community insects from the evolutionary point of view – ants. Visitors of museum in this part can spot the biggest insects of the world: Hercules beetle (Dynastes Hercules), which is native to Central and South America rainforests, Goliath beetle (Goliathus regius), which is native to West Africa tropical forests, as well as Atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas), which is spread in South Asia.
Butterflies from all continents of the world, except for Antarctica are exposed in zoogeographic part. They are grouped according to zoogeographic areas: Australian, Neotropical, Nearctic, Indo-Malayan, and Ethiopian. Here is exposed one of the most impressive butterflies of the world – common green birdwing (Ornithoptera priamus), which can be found in Australia. Wingspan of the biggest butterfly of the world – white witch (Thysania Agrippina) reaches up to 30 cm. It is found in Central and South America.