I relate the recent Lunation that began on the New Moon of Pisces on February 28, 2025, with three culmination cycles. A New Moon is always a seedbed, and as we reap what we sow, in the part of our Birth Chart where we have the sign of Pisces - and the opposite and complementary sign, Virgo - we will reap our own harvest/merit, in the 3 moments below.
28-day cycle (lunar cycle) from February 28 to March 28/29, 2025;
6 months (soli-lunar cycle), from the New Moon in Pisces, on February 28, 2025, to the Full Moon on September 7, 2025;
The now-ending cycle of approximately 14 years, of Neptune in Pisces, (that started in 2012), until January 2026.
We have different crop sizes and scopes; distinct speeds and features to be collected. And certainly, with Saturn and the North Node there as well, the Piscean area of our Birth Chart is being quite activated, personally and collectively. Strong sowing and harvesting in your life! Endings and new beginnings - strong liminal/transitional times - where we can “lose ourselves and reconnect with our essence.” Set new intentions for your life and govern them by releasing the past and building the future.
The sign of Pisces, in its challenging polarity, speaks of alienating mysticism, misleading ideological propaganda, a pandemic of psychic, mental, and emotional collapses. The collective unconscious is being greatly activated – for better or worse – by this overload of planets in Pisces. This can be a challenge to our mental health, and also, offer conditions, circumstances, and support for a broader understanding of reality, capable of dissolving harmful barriers and stimulating understanding and compassion.
It is up to each of us to choose how to channel that same energy: whether we give in to pressure and fear and dissolve ourselves in an escape from reality with addictions, fanaticism, and isolation, or whether we make ourselves available for deeper searches and answers, developing stronger inner lives, accepting to open our hearts more to ourselves and to others. The massive tendency to increased evasion, seclusion, can be better channeled for reflection, meditation, rebalancing, and healing.
Pisces is nirvana, the nothingness that is the Whole; Carl Jung called the archetype of the collective unconscious, “God”… this gives much food for thought… Piscean waters can flood and collapse fragile, obsolete, or false structures - both in physical and psychic life. In the biblical flood, Noah saved himself and many animals, with the ark he built.
The 5 phases of human consciousness are, according to the ancients, linked to the elements:
Earth: the dual mind (normally in the Beta phase);
Water: the Baptism of water, of meditation, which is the increase in consciousness; Alpha stage;
Air: The liberation of thought; Theta stage;
Fire: Delta Stage;
The New Mind, a spiritually more evolved stage: (Gamma?).
In Astro-Theology, the Ark is the spiritualized consciousness. Being able to navigate the waters “tangled” by emotions of fear, guilt, anger. Noah means “rest”: the time of pause that meditation requires. For 40 days Noah's Ark sailed, until, after the raven (denser thoughts of the dual mind) and the dove (the Air stage, the liberation of the dual mind) found itself on dry land. 40 initiatory days, in which everything changes, through the gestation of a new vibration/consciousness. Through “rest,” Noah, looking up from the window in the roof of the Ark, arrived at the new Earth. Promised Land. It is therefore a divine promise, to be reached by Divine Grace, if we choose to nourish the inner Life, the Life of the Soul.
Remembering that March has a full moon on the 14th, starting the eclipse season, with this total lunar eclipse: important clarifications will come. And as if all that wasn’t enough, we'll have a partial solar eclipse on the 29th, adding intensity to this entire setup and themes. Nothing will be the same again! We may feel some emotional rollercoaster, but I advise having your cocoon and retreating daily, for Soul nourishment, rest, peace, and clarity. It will require discipline, conscious cultivation of detachment, and presence in the now. Because sometimes it is difficult to be “just” with our own company, receptive to the unknown, vulnerable to all kinds of thoughts, sensations, distractions.
But sailing in and out is necessary… and this is the Water Season. I suggest you drink more water, and allow yourself to cry, laugh, dance, sweat, detox, warm up, get wet, drip, ooze. I suggest you bathe more in the waters - shower, river, sea - and learn to be like it, to flow, to not offer resistance, to be a witness to and in the present, to assume the form that the container and the temperature offered to you invite you to experience. In Psychological Alchemy, in the “dissolution” (dissolution) phase we are invited by Life to liquefy ourselves, leaving behind ways of being, behaviors, etc., that are outdated.
These settings require us to flow like a river - even if it takes us to an unexpected destination… which is probably the most certain.
They require detachment, allowing ourselves to not know the answers, incubating/being pregnant with questions, turning inward and… knowing how to wait. So that a new stage can be born, the “coagolatio,” a phase of action, unpolluted by the impurities that we have been able to purge from our systems. “New wine in new wineskins.” A new phase of life - a new relationship, career, lifestyle, etc. - calls for new skills, liberations, renunciations, and baptisms. If we don't make this renewal, we could lose everything offered in these new opportunities. Degenerate, or regenerate?
There is great wear and tear in international and social relations, and within ourselves. Pluto in Aquarius also brings collective karma – I can't help but see this, for example, in the movement of migrants from Africa and Latin America to the West, which the years of Pluto in Capricorn greatly activated. With the help of Neptune in Pisces, which negatively exacerbated mysticisms, typically Neptunian devotions that in the name of God legitimize everything, even the greatest perversion, which is taking the life of another. This complex issue has brought, for some, the need for reparations to Africa and, for others, the same compensation to Europe, for the civilization it brought to them (the vast majority of African countries that received colonization had Stone Age technologies and the exceptions are the countries that did not undergo colonization and managed to develop).
March indicates an area of transition between eras, we can say, in which the proposal is dissolving, so that then in April the cycle of beginnings opens, which will also have different speeds of work and completion: Saturn in Aries until 2028 and Neptune in Aries until 2038. Let's get to work?