Sergei Konyonkov can be rightfully called one of the pillars of the Moscow school of sculpture in the XX century. He did a lot to assert the self-value of plastic form in sculpture, attached special attention to specific features of the material, especially marble and wood.
Sergei Timofeevich embodied major trends and striking innovations of the epoch having performed over 800 sculptures. Konenkov’s artwork is really multifaceted. He may be ranked among Silver Age artists, or revolutionary avant-garde masters, or Socialist Realism representatives as well.
The exhibition route includes 38 sculptures. It goes through the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery’s Historical Building in Lavrushinsky Lane while Hall 47 presents an extended exposition of S.T. Konyonkov’s works made exclusively in wood. The route continues in the vestibule and halls of the New Tretyakov Gallery’s permanent exposition in Krymsky Val.
The exposition of the Tretyakov Gallery’s Historical Building displays mainly early, pre-revolutionary period of Konyonkov’s artwork. The exposition in Krymsky Val is a logical continuation of the story about the master’s artwork familiarizing visitors with the sculptor’s works of the revolutionary and Soviet periods.