Wealth in its natural sense is the answer to the question of who are the best players in the draft of world. Wealth is the presence of comfort; it is the driving force behind the hard work of most if not every person. Wealth, when it is described as the presence of comfort can be deemed largely subjective because the definition of wealth varies.
Comfort to this writer is the ability to provide for one's basic needs to an extent whereby, there is no worry about the availability of such needs and can even be seen as sufficient to a point of excess. This stance may be regarded as invalid by some set of persons who would regard wealth as the presence of luxury. The extent to which wealth is comfort is a matter of further discussion at a later time.
Acquisition of wealth has been considered unfeasible and to some, viewed as an act of 'chasing after the wind'. It has become a fairy tale which has no realistic standing in our society today. This manner of thinking has become a justification for the commission and omission of certain acts to go through the easy route rather than the route which is considered impracticable in reality to acquire wealth - the route of hard work and diligence. This has resulted in the deteriorating state of society. People are willing to do anything to become a part of this fairy tale called wealth and this most times, has ended up unachievable due to the unsublimed method that has been taken in order to achieve their goals. The act of fraud and deceit in whatever form has become a norm which is slowly integrating itself into society as a whole innovation to acquire wealth. It is disheartening and heart-wrenching to realize that we have reached this vile extent as a people.
The eventuality of the major tactic of the internet specifically through the platform that social media provides to sell luxury to its users has acted in consequence of leading a lot of people to believe in the fallacy that wealth which equates to comfort comes easily. People are stuck in a mirage that supposes itself from the importance of hard work and gradualism that comes with the practicability of wealth and its opportunities.
A way in which wealth can become feasible is the willingness to put in the effort necessary to achieve this feat. How much are people willing to work to achieve their goals, and how devoted are they to that cause which is held dear to them? With all these put in perspective, the answer to the contingency of one's financial growth and eventual wealth is realised.
The struggle for wealth can be so overwhelming that people forget to be satisfied with what they have at that moment in time. The question then of 'when is wealth enough?' is brought to light. To most people, the answer is never. Once the acquisition of wealth begins, there is no need to stop until time stops ticking. People move from the point of wanting comfort to luxury and from luxury to power. Power is the sense of one having a say in the affairs of society because they are wealthy.
We as human beings are to grow beyond the small-mindedness that comes with our being and to become people of greater wisdom that understand that wealth is not the creator but the created and should not be the one in control of our actions. When we are ready to live with our inherited traits of superior beings, then wealth can be deemed feasible. Remember, we live in a world of 'cause and effect'.