Pachamama Farm Retreat & Wellness

Pachamama Farm Retreat & Wellness

We are a colorful small community with different backgrounds who live harmoniously with nature on an eco-farm, sharing our love and happiness with others, regardless of race, color, or religion. Residing on a hectare of land with a permaculture garden and happy animals makes it possible to serve the freshest vegetarian meals from farm to table. Our home ,Pachamama Farm, is located in the Kotor Bay Area of Montenegro, deep in the forest but very close to sightseeing in Kotor Old Town and the crystal-clear beaches. Whether you're seeking a spiritual experience in a Silent Meditation Retreat or planning to explore Montenegro's secret beaches and historical sights, all options are easily accessible. Besides hosting our own retreats, we also welcome retreats, holiday packages, and seminars arranged by external organizers.

I was born on planet earth inside man-made borders known as Iran, just two years after the Islamic revolution and a year into the Iran-Iraq war!

I grew up in Mehr-Shahr, a small town 40 km from Tehran, which felt relatively safer during the war. And of course, after the 1979 revolution, I was raised in a conservative society under the pressure of an extremely Islamic regime, but within a lovely, open-minded family, where I stood out as the black sheep.

School wasn't easy for me, especially compared to my top-student siblings, but I eventually got accepted into a Computer Science Program at university. However, after two years, I decided to drop out and pursue other interests. I explored various jobs until I discovered my passion for cooking and serving others around the age of 26.

A year later, I launched my own catering and event planning business, starting from my home kitchen. Through hard work and dedication, my business quickly gained fame and success. In about five years, I finally was living the dream and proved to myself and my family that success doesn't only depend on a college degree; it comes from following one's heart and passions.

As my business grew, I began to feel a sense of emptiness. Despite the success and fun, I lacked time for self-reflection and felt lost. Turning inward, I went on a journey of soul-searching, leading me to sell my business and hit the road and explore the world.

After a few years of traveling on my tiny folding bicycle and volunteering in many eco-farms and spiritual centers, I found myself in Montenegro, where I soon met my soulmate, Zoe. Together, we shared the same passions and values. We dreamed of creating a small community, cultivating our own food, and making a positive impact on the world by hosting various conscious activities and bringing people of different backgrounds and races together in a spirit of peace and harmony.

And here we are, Zoe and Pasha, a Swiss-Iranian couple, along with our son Jiji, living in a tiny village in Montenegro where we have fulfilled our dream by renovating century-old stone ruins into a charming Farm Retreat. This dream wouldn't have been possible without the support of our lovely families and the help of beautiful soul volunteers who have accompanied us on this journey.

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