Economy & Politics
Architecture & Design
Economy & Politics
Food & Wine
Science & Technology
We are living in the moment in between
It is hard to know where things began when we are already in the middle of it all
Escalating oil and gas exploration game
African oil in Bunyoro-Kitara
Democracy and conflict-prevention
A broken promise?
US retrenchment and China’s rise
Pointers to a new emerging order
Climate and the U.S. election
Why the 2020 election is so important
Less bombs, more fire brigades
We must enter a new era built on completely different pillars
America’s “expendable” class
Will Covid-19 make Americans realize that the condition of some of its citizens mimics that of a Third World country?
Trump and Erdogan
Crimes against humanity
Becoming a leader at a distance
New managers have many greater chances of success
The only option for survival
An escape route for Brazil
The role of judiciary to wake up from Bolsonarista nightmare
Recruitment sector impacted by COVID-19
The current market situation in Morocco
Humanity remembered: overcoming mankind’s demise
Youth’s international Balkan Forum, Belgrade
Triple whammy in the Sahel
The region has been in an escalating crisis since 2013
COVID, livelihoods, and deadlihoods
We have choices to make
Emerging conflict in Eastern Mediterranean
Geopolitical realities in geostrategic realities
How to respond to rising trends of racism and intolerance
The necessity of a people-centered approach to security
From an open space to a space for action
A letter to the World Social Forum: the second manifest of Porto Alegre
Far away in the USA
What’s going on?
A new social class
The voluntary workers of social networks
Vote by mail
An alternative to the USPS
The 4th of July 2020
Probably the most exceptional in American history
The death of Tito
And of Yugoslavia
Regional disparities in North Macedonia
A development strategy
The right to vote in government and in the workplace
One of the essential liberties promised by the American Revolution
The Morocco water saving program
The importance of preserving water resources
The legacy of Sergio
The United Nations we need
The various avatars of self-reliance
Governments of the world have co-opted some of the most revolutionary ideas for their own ends
Russell-Einstein Manifesto
More needed now as it was then
The “me” generations
Can me become we?
The Treaty of Sèvres centenary
New geopolitical reshuffle of the Eastern Mediterranean
How to stem the tide of racism and intolerance
The fear of the other has become a daily reality
Reaching for a non-breachable WHO
Never has the need for an effective and efficient coordinating role in international health crisis been greater
Oh no! Mexico!
As the world moves ahead, Mexico lurches backward
Statues of limitation
Thoughts on civic statuary as agents of division
The statues of our discontent
Why statues are going down and why are they so meaningful?
King’s Bay Ploughshares 7
Return them to sunshine!
The plague in the shadow of Corona
Prevention is better and cheaper than cure
Malthus revisited
The excessive weight that our total human population and economy have imposed on the global environment
Requiem for Democracy
Brazil's darkest hour
The key is to create good business habits
If we are going to think big, our steps should be short and constant
Cultural changes in times of disaster
Opposing the destruction of the planet and human civilization may be the primary task of the current and next generation
It can happen here
Protest and repression after the asphyxiation of George Floyd
The Metro of Caracas
A service for more than two million inhabitants
Morocco resumes its economic activity
Establishing and enforcing adequate sanitary and preventive measures to face COVID pandemic
Corona: the new poverty accelerator
The impact on poor households
Lives matter!
Can black, indigenous, worker, farmer, ecological, women, queer uprisings come together?
To my pragmatic Republican friends
We need to revitalize the nation in a bi-partisan way
When in the course of human events...
Declaration of the principles of a failed State
Crisis means danger and opportunity
Which path will we take?
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
Water security vision or new scramble for Africa?
Learning to live with the COVID-19 pandemic
Vigilance and patience are needed in these pressing times
The MexicOil
Examining the unraveling of Pemex, Mexico’s national petroleum company
Benefits of equality
For a happy and sustainable world, we urgently need to decrease excessive economic inequality
Chinese Chernobyl, American Waterloo, Russian Borodino
From camel to dromedary?
Corona: the impossible choice
If the poorest countries are not provided with more assistance, their leaders will be forced to put the economy first
The shark fin ban in Canada
People need information to support this legislation
Lives in education
Human history as cultural history
Is our freedom of speech at stake?
The most significant laws that will shape the future of the internet
Women of the world, unite
In Chile, women have demonstrated their readiness to achieve equality
Making things happen
Faith is a core element in business
COVID-19 and Trump’s New Scapegoat
The People’s Republic of China
Denial at the top
Why does the US often seem unprepared?
How ‘ordinary’ people can show us ways out of global crises
COVID-19 is more than a tight slap for humanity: it is an opportunity
Socaire, in the Atacama Desert
Nothing new under the sun, again
Living together in peace
Against the institution of war
The US health crisis comes from afar
And how new health care could look
Conspiracy theories
Only the official report is true
Behind the scenes of "oil end-game"
Transformation of energy supply & new energy security architecture
The age of uncertainty and the post-COVID-19 era
Global crises call for multilateral leadership and new ideals
September 11, 2001
A forensic report
Three devastating plagues fall on humanity
From predation to saving the life of all the inhabitants of the Earth
Imagination At The Time Of Plague
What will the world look like after the pandemic?
The Pandemic World
A chance to be better
America’s Manipulative Media
The people deserve better
Is Maturity a Threat or an Advantage?
When companies hate to admit the market for their products is approaching maturity
Drought, Water and Coronavirus
In Chile, private ownership of water is guaranteed in the Constitution
From not-so-unexpected pandemic to not-so-accidental global war?
A war without guns
Rebuilding After Corona
The changes that we must make to create a better world after the pandemic
The Green New Deal
Breaking New Ground?
Has Coronavirus Pandemic Impacted The Corona Beer Brand?
In the age of fake news it doesn't take long for spreading misinformation
Spring Will Not Come This Year
Spring does not even know that we are absent
Why Trump Refuses to Wear a Mask
And how narratives can mislead you
We Need Solidarity, Not Sanctions
Our world faces a common enemy
The Displacement Crisis and Internal Displacement
IDPs are the most vulnerable segment of people on the move
The Tragedy of the Greek Financial Crisis
Looking into the causes
Coronavirus and Mexico’s Economic Vulnerability
South Sudanese Rapper Emmanuel Jal
Peace in South Sudan
Linked Dangers to Civilization
Many of the serious dangers that we face today can be addressed by reforming our economic systems
Global Warming and Coronavirus Are Not Distant Cousins
A very close relationship
Our vanishing world
All that is solid melts into air
Morocco Generation Green 2020-2030
To Boosts the Agriculture Sector
A Hand That Is A Gloomy Fist
The great sin against the poor is indifference
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