Turi Grasso
Joined Meer in February 2021
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Turi Grasso

Salvatore (Turi) Grasso, graduated in engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin where he was assistant and researcher in Seismic and Dynamics of Structures and Construction Science for two years, has published texts and research in the two areas mentioned. Author of an original proposal for calculation method for buildings with load-bearing walls in reinforced concrete in seismic zones, presented at a national conference in Florence on behalf of the CNR of Pisa and published in the national magazine "Prefabbricare edilizia in evoluzione" - n°5 year 1972.

He collaborated for the first years of his professional activity with one of the most important Italian engineering firms, gaining experience in the design of bridges, viaducts, industrial warehouses, etc. Designer and construction manager of numerous civil engineering works.

Urban planner, author of the 4-volume text "Urban Planning in Sicily". Designer of general municipal regulatory plans and detailed plans.

External technical-legal consultant of the Public Works Commission of the Department of Infrastructure and Mobility of the Sicilian Region from 16/12/2015 to 20/3/2018 and from 14/11/2019 to 31/12/2022.

Founder and president of AISI-SICILIA, an association that was for about 15 years the Italian section of SID (Society for International Development), founded in Washington and promoted by the United Nations. Subsequently, after the transformation of the association into "Aisi Sicilia - Mediterranean for Peace" he promoted and participated in national and international meetings, with particular reference to the Mediterranean area, intervening on topics on peace and human rights.

In November 2001 he organized and chaired an important meeting on the three great monotheistic religions with the participation of Roberto Savio, Secretary General of the SID, and important personalities from the religious, political and social world of 16 countries, conferring on that occasion the prize to high professionals who had distinguished themselves for the promotion of peace actions: the publisher Mahmoud Habassi, a Palestinian Muslim, the writer Sami Michael, an Israeli Jew and the member of the Italian Parliament Hon. Enzo Trantino.

Among the many important events in which he participated is the "Sommet Mondial Sur la Société de l'Information (SMSI)" held in Tunis in November 2005, organized by the United Nations General Assembly, with the participation of the then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. On that occasion, he presented his report, as part of the activities parallel to those of the government, on the theme "Information technology: a synergistic means for Mediterranean peace".

In Lions Clubs International he has promoted and carried out important international events on peace, in particular, he has promoted, organized and completed the international twinning between the Lions District of Sicily and the Lions Districts of Algeria, Morocco, and the Lions Clubs of the United Arab Emirates, as well as having participated in the revitalization of the twinning between the Lions Districts of Sicily and Tunisia. His interventions are often aimed at providing a contribution to the promotion of Peace in the Mediterranean and to the recognition of human rights and in particular of women and children.

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