Vaishali Sehgal

Vaishali is a dynamic multimedia content creator from India based in Bonn, Germany. She comes from the land of stories and it is only natural to her that she is an excellent storyteller and a Youtuber who has gripped her audience with her unique style. Born in the Himalayas region in the small town of Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, she spent 13–14 years in a small town and later shifted to a metropolitan to finish high school and university. She believes that this experience has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of both, the world's bustling cities and serene locations.

The love of stories and culture led her to choose the English language and literature as her subjects, and she studied them for her bachelor's for three years, alongside working in an NGO in Uthaan, India, alongside her college campus, wherein after her classes she would go to teach children living under unprivileged situations. She finished her Masters in English language and literature from the University of Delhi in the year 2019.

Then she took an unconventional path of creating her start-up, wherein she could blend her love for teaching and desire to be in front of the camera at the same time. Starting "ExtraClass EdTech Private Limited" with friends, she followed an unusual road by bridging the domains of education and technology. Employing her creative endeavour, she has taught English to millions of pupils via her YouTube channel, accumulating millions of subscribers and more than 270 million views. The start-up became one of the few startups that got recognized by the government of India under the Startup India Programme for amazing work in social development. Her team was also featured in Forbes India for using technology as an enabler and providing quality education at affordable prices to the students. This remarkable achievement highlights her entrepreneurial energy as much as her educational quality.

In the year 2019, she decided to take a step further and hone her knowledge and skills from one of the world's most reputed international broadcasters Deutsche Welle. She was chosen by the Deutsche Welle Akademie for their esteemed International Media Studies program and concurrently helped their Asian initiatives, therefore strengthening her media and communication abilities. At the academy, she acquired all the knowledge and learned the theoretical framework required for the work and at the job, she was able to put the theory into practice. Her work encompassed a wide range of roles and responsibilities from administrative, to subtitling, design creation, and voiceovers. She is trained in mobile reporting and also knows social media management.

Moving to a different continent brought up a whole new set of changes, which gave her even more material to talk about during the conversation. During her time in Germany, she has gained a good deal of knowledge, which includes the cuisine, the culture, and the breathtaking scenery that the nation has to offer. Throughout her time here, she became acquainted with people from a variety of countries, including those from Germany. It is because of this that she has resumed her writing, bringing with her a new perspective on previously discussed subjects, as well as a wide range of fresh viewpoints and experiences that reflect the concepts that she enjoys working on.

She keeps on her creative path now as a writer, exploring wellness, entertainment, and culture. Her forthright and perceptive cultural commentary distinguishes her as having a courageous approach to challenging difficult subjects, voicing unpopular viewpoints, and calling a spade a spade. Using her writing, she presents novel viewpoints and provocative ideas, therefore enabling readers to investigate and interact with the complex fabric of human experience. As a form of self-expression, she sometimes enjoys creating poetry that is derived from her personal experiences. The writings written by her are not only informational; rather, they extend an invitation to view the world through sharp and inquisitive eyes. You are invited to accompany her on this adventure of discovery, and you will be enlightened and entertained by her skill as a storyteller.

Articles by Vaishali Sehgal

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