Busisiwe Makhura
Joined Meer in September 2023
Busisiwe Makhura

I was born in the city of Johannesburg in beautiful South Africa and am currently pursuing a Master's in Environment and Energy Economics. This is in addition to holding a Master’s in Economics and an undergraduate degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. I have completed all of my studies to date at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), in South Africa. Having completed my Master's degree, I felt as though I had acquired a vast array of knowledge but still had many questions about where my research interests would lie and how I could make a contribution. I was then drawn to the areas of the environment, and climate change and then to policy and how we can make a difference. This then led me to pursue my second master's degree, which has been a perfect fit. My research interests lie within the areas of responsible waste disposal, recycling and the just energy transition.

Although I am currently employed in the corporate world, I have a passion for learning, education and bettering myself. I came to realise very early on in my life that my gifts and talents were not like those of the arts, that could be put on a stage and admired but rather that mine was that of being a student, of having a teachable spirit. Research, writing and tutoring have helped me strike a balance between the academic and corporate worlds. In learning I have found my happy place, I have found my stage. My love for writing developed during my undergraduate years while studying politics and philosophy. It was during this time that I was drawn to the complexities of human beings, how we engage with the world around us as well as how we form our beliefs and habits. While these modules encourage my writing, economics is what fed my love for numbers. I’ve been blessed to be in a space where the two are intertwined.

My personal interests include art and theatre. There is nothing that I enjoy more than an art piece or a performance that invites you into the world of the artist, offering an escape even if it’s just for an hour or two. I also being active in the gym and being outdoors.

My main literary interests are politics and the economy, mindfulness, philosophy, science and technology as well as culture. My mission is to draw people's attention to the diversity of our backgrounds and cultural heritage as well as to encourage love and respect for the environment and the world we live in. Our environment is our home, our provider and a source of such beauty, our duty is to appreciate and protect it.

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