The start of a new year often ignites our motivation. A clean slate and a fresh start make us believe that this time will be different. Research shows that setting goals at specific times (like January 1st, Mondays, or birthdays) can boost our chances of success by about 25%. However, the reality is that when it comes to improving health, increasing physical activity, losing weight, and "getting in shape," many of us fall off track quickly. Studies indicate that the average drop-off rate for regular exercise initiatives can be as high as 80% within just six weeks to six months.
Why do we struggle so much with this? What makes it so challenging to move our bodies for better health and well-being? Similar to efforts to eat healthier, the knowledge we possess does not always align with our behaviors. Factors such as comfort, cost, and, let’s face it, a tendency toward laziness, play significant roles. This article will explore effective strategies to establish lasting exercise habits.
Yes – you need a goal
It may sound cliché, but setting goals is foundational for making progress. Whether your goals are financial, relational, or professional, remind yourself of other achievements you have made in your life to boost your self-efficacy in reaching your physical fitness goals. Furthermore, understanding the deeper meaning behind your goal will make it matter more. For example, simply stating a goal of losing 20 pounds to fit into your old favorite jeans is unlikely to sustain motivation. However, wanting to lose 20 pounds to keep up with your active kids or be fit enough for that adventure trip of a lifetime, will have a more emotional and resonant impact.
The most common resolutions tend to focus on weight loss, increased energy, and strength. While there is a trend away from focusing solely on weight loss, carrying too many extra pounds remains closely tied to chronic health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. For instance, your healthcare provider may have recommended weight loss to improve your blood lipid profile. However, even a doctor's prescription often proves ineffective in motivating patients. By attaching that recommendation to something that truly matters in your life, you will be more likely to take action.
The rise of GLP-1 medications is also influencing the success of weight loss, but we are still gaining a deeper understanding of how these medications work, along with possible long-term side effects. It is increasingly important to incorporate strength training and behavioral changes alongside their use to reduce reliance on these powerful drugs.
Finding joy in movement
One essential aspect of making exercise a lasting habit, as opposed to a short-lived and unpleasant diet and exercise regimen, is the idea that movement can be enjoyable. Unsurprisingly, we tend to avoid activities we dislike and/or select relaxing over effort. Regular exercise requires a shift in mindset. Choosing to move rather than remaining sedentary may take conscious effort initially, but over time, the benefits of moving with greater energy and ease can make activity feel as fundamental to our daily routine as brushing our teeth—something that feels awkward and genuinely missed when we don't do it.
One of the biggest obstacles to regular exercise is physical pain, disabilities, or past injuries that can complicate or exacerbate a condition. Psychological barriers, like negative body image or feeling intimidated in traditional exercise settings, can also be significant challenges. Depending on your past experiences—both physical and mental/emotional—you may have to overcome these barriers to foster a more positive relationship with intentional exercise.
Overcoming any barrier requires self-awareness and the recognition that confronting and ideally rising above these hurdles is more valuable than sticking to your current habits (or inaction). One undeniable source of joy is nature. Numerous studies show that spending time in nature can reduce stress and promote optimism. Starting with simple activities like walking in a local park, cycling, or hiking—accessible and low-cost options—can often provide the spark needed to ignite a genuine joy of movement. Combining these foundational activities with social interactions for accountability and fun can serve as a powerful launch pad for lasting behavior change.
Make time for movement
One of the most common obstacles to maintaining new habits is finding the time to exercise. We often plan to incorporate positive behaviors into our routines, but then life gets in the way. A popular saying goes, “Make time for fitness or take time for illness.” This statement highlights a crucial truth. In our increasingly technology-driven society, where physical movement is often minimized in both work and schooling, exercise has become an essential part of living well and ensuring a long, healthy life.
Integrating movement into your daily routine is now more important than ever. If possible, walk or cycle to work. For those working remotely, consider setting an alarm or using a wearable activity tracker to remind you to get up, stretch, or take a short walk around your block every 45 minutes. As humans, we are designed to move—think about our primal ancestors who relied on hunting and gathering. Sitting for extended periods is contrary to our nature and can be detrimental to our health on multiple levels. We are at a point where we must consciously and intentionally incorporate movement into our lives to avoid the serious consequences of chronic or acute illness.
Be flexible and forgiving
The tendency to prefer not to move and the comfort we find on the sofa is also primal. After a period of activity, stress, or hard work, conserving energy is a natural instinct. We are creatures that gravitate toward comfort. It's important to recognize that countering the urge to do nothing is completely normal. Modern conveniences have made this even easier—opting for a scooter instead of walking a short distance, or ordering food delivery rather than walking to the grocery store. Overcoming these temptations requires considerable effort and mindfulness.
It’s also natural to experience setbacks as you work to change your habits. Progress is rarely linear; often, two steps forward are followed by one step back. Understanding and accepting this pattern is crucial for overall improvement.
Many of my clients have regressed because they adopt an all-or-nothing mentality. If they’re not 100% successful in maintaining their program—say, three workouts per week—then they feel like all is lost and may not exercise at all for a month until our next appointment. A simple and effective remedy is to "do what you can, not what you can’t." Life events—such as family or work obligations, injuries, or significant life changes like getting married or moving—can disrupt even the most committed exercisers. It’s important to allow for flexibility and temporarily adjust both your workout routine and your expectations. Remember that you can always return to your regular routine; and the more fit you are when expected or unexpected interruptions occur, the faster you will be at getting back on track.
Another key strategy is to avoid making too many excuses. Be creative with your time and space, and you might be surprised by how easily you can incorporate exercise into your life. For example, if you have a lower-body injury, concentrate on upper-body exercises while you recover. If you have to take your child to their activities, make that time productive for your own health too (for example walk around the soccer field during team warm-ups before sitting to watch the game). During a business trip, choose a hotel next to a park or with a fitness facility, or even stretch in your room. Anything is better than doing nothing, but it's also perfectly okay to take a break or modify movement while you reset and prepare to return to your normal activity levels.
The bottom line
Exercise is a crucial part of overall health and should not be treated in isolation. It positively impacts various aspects of well-being, including mental, social, and emotional health. Although finding time to exercise can be challenging, focusing on these four key areas can help you stay on track:
Understand your body and health status, as well as what motivates you. Work with your healthcare provider and support network to modify your environment and routine to amplify your renewed commitment to your better health and well-being.
Write down your aspirations, find a motivating pre-workout song, and share your movement plans and fitness goals with others close to you. This commitment helps solidify your objectives and holds you publicly accountable.
Develop habits that promote consistency. Plan your activities, book yoga classes, join a running or walking group, take tennis or tai chi lessons, or even get a dog. These types of commitments that have a stimulating social component encourage an active lifestyle. On the opposite end of the spectrum, be disciplined with where you obtain health and fitness information. Recognize that celebrities, social media influencers, and even professional athletes may or may not be achieving their results in practical or even safe ways. If a product or piece of equipment sounds too good to be true, promising incredible results without effort, it is probably a scam.
Way of life
Remember that being physically active doesn’t have to be linked to a particular weight or appearance. Surround yourself with an environment and people that support your healthy behaviors. Practice self-love and self-care as a constant in your admirable devotion to living your best life.
Here’s to your commitment to sticking with your exercise program for longevity, good health, and maximum potential!