Dolls of gratitude is a community-based project guided by the understanding that art provides a pathway to holistic health and well-being. In January and February 2024, Seattle’s Path with Art collaborated with some of their social service partners to convene community art-making parties. Using repurposed fabrics and other recycled materials, participants created the array of dolls on view, which showcases the project’s mission to encourage positive self-reflection and honor the artist within us all.

Commissioned by the Frye, local artist Ixtli White Hawk conceived the activity, inviting participants to imbue their dolls with the best parts of themselves. The artists were then encouraged to share their works at the museum in an act of reciprocity aimed at increasing our sense of interconnectedness.

Path with Art is at the forefront of a growing international movement using the creative process and the power of artmaking to bring healing, dignity, and awareness to complex issues surrounding recovery from trauma. These themes are especially resonant at the Frye, building on ongoing programs that center art and wellness, including Mindfulness Meditation, Art + Medicine, and Creative Aging.

Dolls of gratitude is organized by Anna Buxton, Frye Art Museum Manager, Public Engagement; Emily Shallman, Program Director, Path with Art; and Ixtli White Hawk (Nahuatlaca-Tenochca [Mexica]/Otomi/Tarasco), artist.

Special thanks to Entre Hermanos; Harm Reduction Research and Treatment Center; Mary’s Place; Chief Seattle Club; and Frye Members for their support.