The summer season is characterized by many people as the calmest of them all. During the summer months, people tend to relax and appreciate every minuscule moment of life. The rhythms of daily life tend to get slower and slower. Winter habits are replaced by summer ones, such as, for example, swimming at the sea, watching the sunset at late noon, going on vacation and trips with friends and family, enjoying a cold drink, or making a summer food recipe.
However, not everyone experiences summer the same way, especially working employees. Those people have to work hard even during heat waves in order to afford to cover their basic needs. Furthermore, since it is summer, employees face additional high levels of anxiety in purpose of offering both themselves and their families a qualitative summer break. As a result, their productivity is generally reduced (Jackson, 2024), and that leads employers to find effective solutions. Employers focus mostly on flexibility as a possible solution, which has to be applied not only during the summer period but annually. Specifically talking about the summer flexibility terms, employees should take advantage of it without any fear in order to combine work deadlines with family time and then be more productive. Through the use of flexibility opportunities, productivity during the summer months can be increased in satisfied levels, and at the same time, people can enjoy a relaxing summer break.
As long as it is summer, plenty of people find seasonal jobs as well, which are very demanding. For the purpose of being productive as a summer employee, work-life balance is mandatory to be implemented, accompanied by proper time management, setting of boundaries, and flexibility (Claire, 2023). As it is obvious, the flexibility term is mentioned for the second time, showing how important it is in a working environment to accept a variety of conditions from both the employees and the employer. An instance of flexibility can be the daily payment of an employee or the implementation of various flexible policies at an annual level. Although the goal remains the same, it is the increase of productivity!
To summarize, it is evident that summer realities vary from person to person. Many work environments do not stop functioning because of the season change, but it is needed to be understood that this sacred period of time, called summer, is necessarily significant for the employees to recharge their batteries. However, in the 21st century, a great percentage of employees have the possibility to achieve a work-life balance since the working hours are not as many as they were in the previous century. This statement is confirmed by specific statistics, which compare vacation and holiday days in the past century with the 21st one. Data was gathered from countries all over the world. The differences are huge, with nowadays’ average of work permit to be approximately thirty-five days, while in the past century was approximately fifteen days!
Accordingly, humans’ well-being is greatly impacted by work schedules, but job schedules also have an impact on employees' productivity at work. The key seems to be a work-life balance for great both personal and professional results. In order to achieve that combination, employers and managers should consider their employees as human beings who need breaks and have the right to rest. Through breaks, employees tend to regain their energy and love for work. As a final result, their productivity increases, and the goals of each company can be achieved easier, faster, and under pleasant conditions. Last but not least, good communication between employers, managers, and employees is necessary to exist for the purpose of negotiating everything that has to do with job timetables and non-well-functioning situations.