Absurdity for the sake of it
In a movie set of Yorgos
We dwell on the element of
Shock, demands ridiculous
Think love is a leash tight
Nightmares also hold us tight
I am too delighted in my fight with
A lighted maroon bright
Sun. Eclectic, majestic, blooms
All around us if we look—
Almost eight billion perspectives
We must be blind. To each other.
We have yet to discover each other.
Talk in art in music so we do not
Go extinct amidst vicious machines
Under the gaze of security cameras
All around going ‘round and ‘round
On and on. I may not have much to
Add but I intend to subtract the
Evil no matter how necessary he
May seem, no matter how incendiary—
He may creep in. Your subconscious
Is a temple but you spare no time no
Space for meditation. End of the
Humankind is near, all kinds of
Kindness are some circus acts for us
To get closer to our kind’s wilderness.
I feel guilty in my acts of kindness
For I expect some reciprocation, some
Darkness in me made
Me real, made me whole, made me grow
Souls to be stolen starved carved before broken
Into— I would not see my reflection
In you if you did not shine so night
Action/ inaction in action
Absurdity, how odd, so refreshing to
See a wife cut a thumb to serve
Like Sylvia contemplated on her
Thumb cut— the cap, the blood coloring her
Poem. The fascination with the
Fragile river of blood running
Still, a thrill I seem unable to
Kill but I beam under a lunar sky
In my dreamy ultraviolence
Romanticized for some attention
Do we rely on contrast the duality
To make the dying part alive so
We remember the animated
Bodies carrying organs we
Never see around wherever we
Go go go until we leave
Rented bodies behind—
Or if our husband asks us to
Serve our liver for dinner so
We suggest we go to a diner
Think in
Terms of forever; mistaken
To keep our saboteur alive.
We lie lie lie lie still, until
We die die die in a thrill—
Lost like an uncut gem stuck
In mud like my blood stuck inside
Body wanting out out—
Habits Also Scream As They Die
Some context some substance
I crave — killing of a sacred habit
Is what we need. For you to enjoy
Your stay. On earth. This earth.
We shall give you your toxins so your
Addiction turns them into liquid gold.
You’re glowing.
With contamination.
I can feel your soul elevate. Before his
It’s time. Let’s take it all up a notch.
You look a bit tired or just botched. You
Put too much trust in your doctors. Shame.
They do not know your body. Just like
Needles don’t know your heart.
I speak in arrhythmic when you see
Bodies in sync, rhythmic. Your compart-
Mentalized pleasures, vices, connections—
Possessions with no desire no
You like them voiceless, wild when turned
I hear your habits scream as they
Never roll the vice
When you know what
May arise—
Voices Alien
Whispered to my ear to write
In something lunar,
Feelings within my skull-walls
Trapped me in. I am sorry for
The nuisance for my 16 ft tall
Body. Mind ultra hd.
If only you could think in
Claustrophobic planets
Unfriended. Universes
Clashing in different scales.
Think we are alone but think
Small when think in logic:
Can you sense my
Presence within.
We have the most
One-sided conversations with gods;
No wonder why we are on our knees.
Must have
Met some angels some devils
Some extras villainous or
At some point in your
Lives so maybe the up is down and down
Is up up up stop thinking blind.
But I need darkness
To see; fences to see further, I’m
Five-seven-five, all
I have to fit an amor-
phous cloud in a scream
These poems are loosely based on the themes of the movie Kinds of Kindness by Yorgos Lanthimos.