The species that survive aren’t the strongest species, nor are they the most intelligent, but rather the ones who best adapt to change.

(Charles Darwin)

May 2024: a mysterious UFO whistleblower came forward with a gripping statement on Reddit that has since been deleted. However, I read the original disclosure, and with some help from my UFO Twitter (X) Space friend FullStackLogan, I meticulously compiled what is quite possibly the only verbatim transcript in existence of the chilling declaration.

In a recent exploration of this post, CJ Dearinger and I focused on the sections pertaining to the enigmatic world of non-human intelligence (NHI, aka aliens). In particular, we examined 1) what they are, and 2) where they are from. Our analysis offered a compelling look at the intricacies of NHI, the possibility of living in a simulation, and the broader implications of these ideas.

Unpacking the whistleblower’s claims: what are they?

The Reddit whistleblower's post from May 2024 (which has since been deleted), posited that the concept of multiple NHI species was a deliberate misinformation campaign by certain security teams. Despite extensive time spent within the agency, the whistleblower suggested that there were still undisclosed divisions whose true purposes were veiled in secrecy. They acknowledged the possibility that some researchers might indeed have been exploring different species, yet they remained skeptical about the overall narrative.

“The main reason you'll never see organized disclosure is because nobody can agree on what to say. We simply don't know enough, namely the NHI's intentions,” explained the whistleblower. “This lack of consensus and conflicting biological reports contributed to the ongoing compartmentalization within the research community. This deliberate fragmentation ensured that no single entity had a complete understanding of NHI, thus preventing coherent public disclosure.”

The UFO whistleblower pointed out these additional thoughts on what aliens might be:

  • NHI potentially experiment on us and definitely experiment on animals. We have no idea why.
  • The Anthropology department believes the NHI are controlled by an intelligence that is beyond our current understanding of how life works.
  • The biology department’s reports conflict with this, which is why things can't be decompartmentalized.

The Simulation Theory: were we in a constructed reality?

A significant tangent in our discussion was the Simulation Theory—the hypothesis that our reality might be an artificial construct. I find this theory particularly intriguing, since certain scientific principles, such as the speed of light, seem to support the idea of a simulated universe.

“In real life, we know that we can accelerate particles toward the speed of light. As far as we know, they can never reach it. To me, this is mind-blowing that there can be a number that regulates and contains what you can achieve. It's just there, very much like parameters on a computer program or a video game,” I elaborated. “This (the whistleblower’s post) drew striking parallels between the limitations we observed in our universe and the boundaries set within a video game environment, where characters could only explore certain areas before hitting an invisible barrier, such as in the Legend of Zelda.”

The enigma of NHI origins: where are they from?

In the now-deleted Reddit UFO disclosure post, the origins of NHI remained one of the most pressing and elusive questions. If the government were to disclose information about NHI, it would need to present a unified and coherent narrative, which was currently lacking.

“We also have no idea where they are from. So, not only do we not know what they are, but we don't know where they're from either,” the post noted.

This uncertainty was compounded by the multitude of theories that existed, ranging from NHI being interdimensional beings to ancient travelers from other parts of the universe who became stranded on Earth through wormholes.

I drew a parallel to ancient religious texts, suggesting that these entities might be akin to the angels, archangels, and demons described in the Bible.

“They seem to take a form that we can interact with, which seems to conflict with the notion that maybe they are flesh and blood, but then again, maybe they're not,” I mused.

This comparison underscored the idea that NHI could be far beyond our current understanding, possibly governed by higher powers or existing in forms we could not yet fully comprehend.

Star seeds and the potential for disinformation

Adding another layer to the discussion was the concept of Pleiadian star seeds—individuals who believe they originated from other worlds. This notion, while intriguing, was also fraught with the potential for disinformation. I cautioned that some suspected the idea of star seeds might be a deliberate attempt to obscure darker truths.

“We know there's a lot of that going on, and that maybe some people are fed this notion of Pleiadian star seed goodness to cover up a darker secret,” I warned. Could the narrative around star seeds could be a diversionary tactic, designed to distract from more sinister realities?

Conclusion: the ongoing quest for truth

The analysis of the Reddit UFO whistleblower's post provided a fascinating glimpse into the complex and often contradictory world of NHI research. Whether exploring the bounds of our reality through the lens of simulation theory or grappling with the enigmatic origins of NHI, it is evident that much remains to be uncovered. Deliberate compartmentalization and disinformation campaigns further complicate the quest for truth.

As we embark on this journey, will we find ourselves poised to continue pushing the boundaries of our understanding? Disclosure underscores the importance of rigorous inquiry and open-minded exploration in unraveling the mysteries that have long eluded humanity. The dialogue sparked by the Reddit whistleblower serves as a reminder of the profound questions that remain unanswered and the relentless pursuit of knowledge that drives us all forward.