Chinese, Indonesian, and Japanese cultures have always believed in the benefits withheld in the bamboo, such as life energy, prosperity, longevity, sexuality, and fertility. In China, stalks of bamboo still symbolize eternal youth, strength, prosperity, and peace. What may appear like a new practice, bamboo massage, has ancient origins. Today, bamboo massage is advertised as Bamboo-Fusion, or simply touted at high-end spas as the latest in exotic treatments.
Bamboo massage incorporates bamboo stalks of different lengths and diameters to provide deep-tissue work. The massage promotes circulation, sensory nerve perception, and lymphatic drainage, as well as providing a deep sense of relaxation and well-being. In addition, using the bamboo sticks helps to reduce stress and strain on the practitioner’s hands and fingers.
It is believed that by stimulating the tissue, the bamboo has the ability to reduce the “sluggish state of the body," by dissipating the heat resulting from an accumulation of toxins and poor circulation; some people who have undergone this practice have described these releases as a whole-body tingling or a warming sensation.
One of the first people to develop and utilize this technique was Nathalie Cecilia, a certified Thai massage therapist; when she first used it on a client he told her how he immediately felt better and invigorated and recharged. From that point on, Cecilia began developing new ways to incorporate bamboo sticks into her practice, eventually using sticks of varying lengths and compositions, creating what she now calls Bamboo-Fusion massage. Shortly after her, other therapists started asking her how to incorporate bamboo sticks into their treatment sessions; she then developed an entire massage routine using bamboo and rattan of different shapes and sizes. She said that the bamboo is beneficial to the clients but also to her, as it allows her to easily adjust the pressure, making deep-tissue work easy.
As therapists and clients search for new techniques to massage therapy, bamboo massage may be at the front position, offering a basic solution: a technique that not only makes use of a renewable and sustainable resource, but also reconnects people to ancient approaches. All this reminds individuals about the importance of to be connected and interconnected, respecting the community’s needs as well as those of the natural world that support people’s needs. This may be the gift that this seemingly simple material offers: strength, flexibility, and versatility, without depleting the human race or nature.