105 years after the official inauguration of the Wolfers Frères jewellery store in 1912, visitors will once again be able to admire the shop in its original form. To do this, the Cinquantenaire museum has cleared a room of approximately the same shape and area as that originally foreseen by Victor Horta in the building in rue d’Arenberg in Brussels.
The greater part of the collection is held in the department’s depots, which include exceptional items of furniture designed by, among others, Victor Horta, Oscar Van de Voorde, Philippe Wolfers, Gustave Serrurier-Bovy and Léon Sneyers. Within the foreseeable future, the entire collection will be displayed in a new series of galleries devoted to the Belgian decorative arts of the first half of the twentieth century, with the main accent on Belgian exhibits at the world and international exhibitions from 1897 to 1937.