“Transformation” is very unusual exhibition for both artists: Liu Xudong and Hu Disheng. It doesn’t have a common theme or connected by color line, no all of those works might be represented individually. Only one but very important thing connect them all – “transformation” that both artists went through during their not long but very fulfilled career.
Liu Xudong started with very sensitive oil landscapes 10 years ago and now came to more dramatic ways to express himself including mirrors, bamboo, majiang.
On display you will see transformation from “meter series” that he dedicated few years of his life to mirror sculptures, witch also deserve to be look at.
The artist incorporated his unique sensitivity, maybe he is trying to express a statement through his art: as matters are perceived in the smallest details, as one become at one with life, is it only then that things become the most difficult to calculate? Any and all calculations of a matter based upon logic are an abuse of the existence and meaning of that matter.
Liu Xudong with his installations trying to tell us that the world that we got used to doesn’t reflect the whole majority of happiness and pain and only through “broken reflection” of the mirror you really can feel it all. His installations are elegant and beautiful like all the works that Liu Xudong created for his not very long but very transforming career. Art works of Liu Xudong are charming breathe taking and full of deep meaning all in once.
In his video art-piece, unbounded scales are in perpetual motion, expanding, same with the ridiculous and the mundane. This is the norm within the world of man. In this day and age, the truth is so well-hidden, the mediocrity dominates everything that we see and touch, it is necessary for the truth seeker to apply methods of “de-construction” as a way of self-protection, so as to allow the truth seeker to break and penetrate the shells of the long-existing norms.
Liu Xudong is such an artist who is being propelled by his creativity; he uses his artworks to touch upon our thoughts and sensitivity. As we look at his art-works, our thinking capacities are being turned on.
Hu Disheng’s spent a lot of time in Tibet with Monks. He prefers to use the term “meditate” when he is working on his art pieces.
His artworks represent Chinese Zen philosophy. Through photography and oil paintings he is showing us that nothing is more real as a nature itself. Tree lines on his canvases represent the growth of time, changing in environment. The growth of the beautify of life cannot be copied.
Gang of Berlin Gallery
Torstrasse, 109
Berlin 10119 Germany
Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 12am - 4pm