Giacomo Maria Prati
Joined Meer in September 2013
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Giacomo Maria Prati

Giacomo Maria Prati (Tortona, 1971) parallel to a juridical formation, he developed an attitude and a passion for symbolic languages, mystical texts, iconology, myths and narrative structures of certain languages, preferring the cycle of medieval novels of the Grail, the alchemical heritage, the myths of Sparta. His passions are many: from the philosophy of law to the management of cultural heritage. April 2013, he made his debut as a translator with a new translation of the Song of Songs (Cantico dei cantici) and the Apocalypse, combined with images of the Duomo of Milan and Leonardoʼs Last Supper.
After having analyzed five masterpieces of ancient art in an innovative way, he is now concluding an essay dedicated to Hermès and a study on the imagery of the deposition of Christ in which, we donʼt know how, he quotes from Gino Paoli to Pinocchio. He is currently Director of the Certosa di Pavia museum.


  • Il ritorno della gloria, Il Cerchio, 2013.
  • L'alba dell'impero, AGA, 2019.
  • Mitogonia, AGA, 2020 .
  • La follia di Oreste, AIMmagazine Books, 2020.
  • L'arco e la freccia. Metafisica del tiro con l'arco, Passaggio al Bosco edizioni, 2020.
  • Il ritorno di Hermes. L'ermeneutica come mito, Il Prato, 2021.
  • Il Racconto del Graal, Jouvence, 2021.
  • Essere Carmelo Bene, Porto Seguro, 2021.
  • Hermes, tutto il suo mito, Il Cerchio, 2021.
  • Achille. La danza, lo scudo, il pianto, Albatros, 2022.
  • Prima Roma. Le origini alla luce del Mito, XPublishing, 2022.
  • La Lancia e il Cuore. Longino, Parsifall e il Graal, Passaggio al Bosco, 2022.
  • Anarca, AGA, 2022.
  • Il Mistero delle Sirene, XPublishing, 2022.
  • Cantico, Porto Seguro, 2022.
  • Il Sabato di Cristo, XPublishing, 2023.
  • Pinocchio esoterico, Edizioni Aurora Boreale, 2023.
  • La Tavola di Tortona. 13 ragioni per Leonardo, Maestro Valentino, 2023.
  • Iperborei. Il primo Mito, Passaggio al Bosco, 2024.
  • Dugin versus Dugin. Gnosi Rivoluzione Impero.

Articles by Giacomo Maria Prati

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