Samuel Ike

Hello! My name is Samuel, but friends call me Sam. I'd like to welcome you to my playground where I use words to create whatever I want. As an experienced freelance writer and blogger, I excel at crafting content and weaving stories that keep readers attached to their devices.

My journey in the world of writing is an unusual one. One that started with "suits", and has now led to "stories".

The road I took to get into writing isn't really straight. After qualifying as a chartered accountant, I began my working career in the world of finance and banking. However, somewhere down the road, I heard the call of creativity. It was one call that was too loud and compelling for me to ignore.

Fast forward to today, and anyone can see that I'm a testimony and a live proof that your passion for prose can co-exist with your love for numbers.

If one ever wonders what attracts readers to my writing, below is my arsenal:

I am a master of different trades. Finance, travel, technology, health – you name it, I can write about these diverse but interwoven topics with engagement and clarity. I am a storytelling ninja. I create captivating narratives by weaving facts and figures. This makes the information that I share stick. I am a content chameleon. I adapt my writing style to be a perfect match for the type of voice that I am trying to create. I like to view myself as a samurai of SEO. I understand how powerful keywords are. This is why I craft content that is loved by search engines and that readers devour.

If one is ever wondering where I might be found, or where my adventures in content creation have taken me, below are the answers:

For the past couple of years, I've been sharpening my skills at various publications like StartUp Stash, Venture Magazine, Long.Sweet.Valuable, on my personal blog at Medium, and now at In these places, I have covered everything from healthy living hacks to business tips, continuously keeping my readers engaged.

But my adventures go beyond blogs. As a freelancer on different platforms, I've handled projects for a wide range of clients, even ghostwriting nonfiction and fiction books. My stellar reviews and client satisfaction are a testament to the impact I strive to create.

When I'm not creating compelling content, you can find me roaming the globe as I believe travel broadens my perspective and fuels my creativity. You can also find me pumping up the adrenaline as sports keeps me mentally and physically energised and focused. I love to catch a flick - I find movies are a major source of inspiration for my storytelling. And I love to get lost in a good book. Reading enables me to escape and explore new worlds.

So, there you have it! I am a writer with a thirst for adventure and a curious mind.

Articles by Samuel Ike

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