Mayar Elsayed
Joined Meer in November 2023
Mayar Elsayed

Mayar has a deep attachment to her hometown, Alexandria, which has been a source of inspiration to her throughout her life. The diverse historical elements of Alexandria were the main reason for her interest in architecture and history. Hence, she decided to study interior architecture. Mayar earned her bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Alexandria University. After graduation, she worked as an interior and furniture designer before transitioning to computer-aided design.

During her university years, she volunteered and participated in many student activities at her university and at the Center of Environmental Studies of Bibliotheca Alexandria. She organized various events and prepared different presentations on cultural topics. Additionally, her volunteering experience helped her gain a lot of information about sustainability, which guided her through a sustainable approach to architecture and product design, as the main aim of these activities is to increase scientific and environmental awareness.

Learning new languages is one of her passions since it provides a better understanding of the people who speak them and their culture. She learned English as her first foreign language at school and Italian as her second. Because of her love for the Italian language, she decided to pursue it further and enrolled in an Italian course while she was a student at the university to discover more about the culture and read from Italian resources directly without the need to translate. Recently, she has developed an interest in the German language and started learning it. Additionally, she enjoys reading poems and novels in Arabic, her mother tongue, which she considers one of the most beautiful, expressive, and precise languages.

Additionally, Mayar has a diverse range of interests, which include her love for different genres of music, attending concerts and operas, and learning to play the piano due to her admiration for classical music. During her free time, she enjoys yoga, painting, reading, visiting museums, or simply sitting in a café doing nothing, as her favorite Italian quote "Dolce far niente" suggests, which translates into the sweetness of doing nothing. She thinks that for anyone to remain creative and save their mental health from the hustle culture, they need to slow down and enjoy the little things in their daily lives, which could be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee. Additionally, traveling to a city with a calm energy that offers a sense of peace and presence at the moment, such as her second favorite city in Egypt, Dahab, has a very unique and calm nature.

Mayar joined Meer because she believes that sharing knowledge in general and about culture and art, in particular, is essential for connecting people from different backgrounds. It is always fascinating for her to learn about any topic through the eyes of people who come from other cultures. Furthermore, it can help people see each other beyond language barriers and borders and contribute to an interconnected global society.

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