Claire Morrison
Joined Meer in August 2023
Claire Morrison

Claire Morrison, born and bred in South Africa, is making her mark as a writer. Her writing spans various sectors, including tourism, culture, politics, finance, and lifestyle.

Armed with a Master’s degree in Political science from Stellenbosch University, Claire's academic journey honed in on mental health and public policy in developing nations. Her curiosity lies at the juncture of politics and culture, with a specific focus on developing countries. She is particularly interested in African affairs, its history, current relation to the rest of the world, and its future in a rapidly shifting environmental landscape.

Claire boasts a diverse professional background, spanning finance, politics, education, and publishing. Her current role as a freelance writer showcases her enthusiasm and dedication to every project she takes on. She can find something interesting in pretty much any topic and is galvanized by the thought that intelligent people can never be truly bored.

Pragmatic, adaptable, and imaginative, Claire embraces most challenges that come her way. She works relentlessly to distil intricate concepts into relatable content in order that all knowledge can be accessible. Her ideal is that education in whatever form, should never be subject to gatekeeping, nor should it be alienating or patronising. With an unwavering commitment to effect change through her writing, Claire Morrison emerges as a figure whose words hold the power to reshape perspectives and empower minds.

She has been associated with a few non-profit organisations since her school days and is currently involved in an organisation providing counselling and vocational skills training for teen mothers at a clinic run by her church.

Claire has embarked on an extensive journey to read a book from every country in the world. She is a quarter of the way in and genuinely believes that she will never finish as she is easily distracted by whatever is newly published. She can usually be found either consumed by a book on an obscure historical character, ocean swimming, or passably playing the guitar. Claire also has an encyclopaedic knowledge of most films released post-1980 despite having watched very few of them.

Claire enjoys meeting new people and learning about their lives and backgrounds. She easily finds common interests with strangers and loves to find out what makes them ‘tick’. This skill is particularly helpful when working as Claire loves to collaborate. She is most excited when people’s passions align and emerge with a result that neither of them can achieve alone.

Articles by Claire Morrison

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