Kierstyn Ruston
Joined Meer in May 2023
Kierstyn Ruston

Kierstyn has been in the copywriting industry for over three years while always maintaining a focus on holistic health, wellness, and sustainability brands. Although she has mainly taken on freelance projects throughout her career, she took a year-long opportunity to work for a content marketing agency, where she further developed her copywriting and marketing skills.

Throughout the years, she has ghostwritten many blogs for top brands in her industry. Her top skills are writing in a conversational tone that connects with the target audience and keeps them engaged. Currently, her focus is on email marketing, where her conversational writing style is able to really shine and make a difference due to the personal atmosphere of emails. In her own words, Kierstyn says:

“People love to receive emails from friends and family. Remember the days when you were in high school and your best friend slipped you a note with your name written on it? That’s how I see email marketing — it’s a way to slip readers a personalized note just for them — and over time, it creates a friendship based on mutual respect and trust.

From a business point of view, this creates loyal customers who buy from you over and over again because they respect you. They will advocate for you and refer you to everyone they know. Of course, this is assuming your product is delivering on everything it promises and is creating a difference in your customers’ lives.

From a customer's perspective, they’re so grateful to finally find a brand that truly cares about them as a person and who cares about their needs, wants, and well-being —- unlike many other brands whose sole focus is profit, even if that means the detriment of their customers.

When email marketing for a conscious brand is done right, it’s a symbiotic relationship between the brand and the customers — a win-win situation.”

Kierstyn’s journey into the holistic health, wellness, and sustainability space started when she became a mother. She says, “I was no longer just responsible for myself, I was now responsible for a precious and innocent baby boy — and I started questioning everything. Everything from the ingredients in lotions to the ingredients in food…and boy…did I learn a lot. Fast forward 11 years later, that very new way of living became our lifestyle and something I’m deeply passionate about”.

By combining her love for everything healthy and natural with her passion for marketing and writing, Kierstyn finds her copywriting career extremely fulfilling. She writes for brands she truly believes in and loves encouraging them to build relationships with their customers.

As a customer herself, she knows how relieving it feels when a brand truly cares about its customers' well-being and health — and she wants to help these conscious brands take over the world.

More information about her copywriting services can be found on her personal website and LinkedIn profile.

Articles by Kierstyn Ruston

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