Hashimoto Contemporary is pleased to present The garden is open, a solo exhibition by Brooklyn-based artist Jocelyn Tsaih. The show will be Tsaih’s inaugural solo exhibition at Hashimoto Contemporary, in which she considers the idea of sanctuary and refuge. Largely inspired by community gardens, parks and botanical gardens found in New York City and the Bay Area, The garden is open reflects on Tsaih's sense of comfort when surrounded by plant-life and color, as well as their direct impact on her personal state of being.

The garden is open is comprised of a series of oil paintings, custom built figurative wooden frames and ceramic sculptures, which feature a recurring semi-abstracted solitary figure gracefully coexisting with botanicals. The figures are found in various states of movement, floating across the picture plane or sitting upright, illustrating a sense of energy that can be experienced within an invigorating environment. Finding herself emotionally moved by color and the feelings they can evoke, Blues and purples are prominently featured throughout, providing a sense of peace to viewers. Tsaih placed special emphasis on the palette she worked with, merging bold vibrant colors with soft glows.

The process of creating work always brings me back to my inner self. I tried to tap into this aspect of art making because the meditative quality of it parallels my experience of being in spaces like gardens. In the moment of it all, it might feel like an escape, but I leave feeling more in tune with myself and in turn, more grounded in reality. This is what I hope to achieve with the introspective qualities within these paintings and sculptures - I hope they offer stability and clarity, acting as both refuge and a gentle reminder of inner strength.

(Jocelyn Tsaih)

Join us for the opening of The garden is open on Saturday, March 15th with a reception from 6-8 pm. The artist will be present. The exhibition will be on view through Saturday, April 5th.