We have the great honour to present two separate exhibitions by Eva Lange and Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena; two artists whose differences converge in a common starting pointheir indomitable approach to art. In both, form and content are inseparably intertwined, as in a condensed and concentrated conversation. Whatever the external characteristics of the works, there is an inner core of unambiguous meaning. Working in different contexts, in different generations and, to some extent, in different cultures, their work spans a wide range of approaches. Moving between their works is to encounter images of an existential search for beauty and meaning, but also of pain.
Eva Lange presents a collection of sculptures in different scales that have accompanied her artistic practice in an ongoing process. Small, round, curved and large, oval, opaque and translucent, the sculptures are like spherical poems. They fill her studio and create a world of their own, a place for the artist to be in her own thoughts and in her own light, which she calls her paradise. The studio is covered in a white powdery layer of plaster, the result of the artist’s many years of shaping, sanding and searching for the specificity of each object. The shapes of the sculptures are carefully chiselled out, refracting the light in a wide range of tones that accentuate their geometry. When encountering the objects, thoughts easily wander to pharaonic times and ancient ideals, but it is just as much about capturing existence in the here and now, as in the movement of rain or waves.
Eva Lange was born in 1935 in Stockholm where she still lives and works. She studied at Konstfack (University of Arts, Craft and Design) and the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and is a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. She has had a long and extensive career as an artist and sculptor since the mid 1960s, with numerous exhibitions and public works, including at the National Museum and Moderna Museet in Stockholm. She has been awarded the Sergel Prize (2015) and the Prince Eugen Medal for her achievements as an artist.
In the gallery’s project room, Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena shows three works that, in their different expressions, materials and content, are characteristic of his multifaceted artistic practice: Taller roja /Red studio (2022 – on going), El complejo (2022) and Interludes (2012). The works were created at different times and are based on subjects that reflect some of the artist’s most central thoughts and questions. It is about living in exile and in between cultures (Sweden and Uruguay), but also about the path to becoming an artist and recalling memories from the past. The traces of violence have always had a special meaning in Fabra Guemberna’s oeuvre, resulting in iconic works that have crystallized the present through their foresight that can only be attributed to an artist with a strong and penetrating gaze.
Juan-Pedro Fabra Guemberena was born in 1971 in Montevideo and lives and works in Stockholm, Berlin and Montevideo. He is educated at the Royal Institute of Arts, Stockholm, and has exhibited extensively in Sweden and internationally since then, including the 50th Venice Biennale (Delays and Revolutions) in 2003, Marta Hedford Museum (My Private Heroes) in 2006, Modernautställningen, Moderna Museet in 2006, Momentum Biennale, Moss (Favoured Nations), 2009, 1: ste Biennale of Americas, Denver 2013, The School of Kyev, Kiev, 2015, the 57th Venice Biennale (University of Disaster), 2017 and Göteborgs konsthall (Semotics of Confinement) 2020. Fabra Guemberna is currently participating in the exhibition Seger över seger at Havremagasinet, Boden.