Wrought in the tides of a year becoming, Working title: I ❤️ artists and oceans is a group exhibition. Surfaced here are artworks by Lulua Alyahya and Valérian Goalec, artworks by Angélique Heidler, Zeynep Kayan, Valeria Schneider and Zinong Zhang; art workings that ebb and flow in form and in thinking.
Belmacz’s thrives on arts expansiveness; we love to get lost in the vastness of horizons, be these red-blue, lilac, opal, deep peach or pearl. From this sea of passion, Working title: I ❤️ artists and oceans, brings together a range of artists each of whom we have felt inspired by; artists who make us want to venture forth and further, to places known or new and to experience again and again the full on verbosity of life — living.
We know that this is our romantic projection, the joys of art present such far off looking.
The artists in Working title: I ❤️ artists and oceans do more than offer a dreamy reflection on life, they provide a material kick, demanding that we do the work of thinking free(&)dom for ourselves. That we sit with their artworks and chart where we can venture with them; physically or at least with them in mind. In an epoch of ever greater in-progressiveness, where one is often exposed to numb faced chatter, Lulua and Valérian and Angélique, Zeynep, Valeria and Zinong provide us with an ode to renewal.