Xippas Gallery is pleased to present a personal exhibition by Kevin Rouillard in it’s Paris location. Entitled Crafted lines: echoes and assemblage, it brings together a newly created body of work.
The exhibition is accompanied by an interview between the artist and Cédric Fauq, chief curator at CAPC, Bordeaux.
Kevin Rouillard explores here the horizon line well beyond its conventional definition presenting it as a visual limit, one where the distance between sky and earth has become so small that these two parts seem to merge together. By investing the gallery walls, the artist uses this line, both as an element of formal vocabulary, specific to each work, but also as a visual tool capable of redefining our perception of the architecture where the works are hung.
The allusion to a distant landscape is signified by an overall geometry which includes a repetition of colored stripes creating a rhythmical order and visual resonances. Far from neglecting the aesthetic field of the abstract painting defined by Clement Greenberg, Rouillard offers here a universe where each metal work echoes the previous one and where the assembled colors create spaces for contemplation.
As for the technique used – the welding of strips of metal – it reveals to the viewer that gesture and material are closely linked and that their combination can alter our perception and feeling of space.