The line in post-modern and contemporary painting plays a multifaceted role - both formally and conceptually.

Rather than contour or a barrier, painters have used ‘the line’ in a multitude of ways to express a sense of space, freedom, gesture, expression and layer. Whether it is graphic, digital, painterly, printed or sewn - the line is a trace, a record, a distributor, an expression and a meditative vehicle within painting.

This exhibition draws on artists of the gallery, for the most part, or those that may have influenced some of them in one way or another. There is a unifying energy but none of them feel truly and absolutely - Aligned.

Artists in this exhibition: Andreas Breunig, Andrew Dadson, Anna Fasshauer, Jorge Galindo, Joanne Greenbaum, Secundino Hernández, Jan-Ole Schiemann, Jana Schröder, Liliane Tomasko, Ana Villagomez, Jonathan Wateridge, Anke Weyer.