The High Active Auroral Research Program is a facility located near Gakona, Alaska.
I wanted to write an article about my favourite instrument, the harp, but in my research, I came across writings and documents about the scary HAARP, which is not played by artists. And they do not play in harmony with the global symphony... there are the effects of interfering with the symphony of the 'Gaea's geomagnetic harp.'
The very existence of a system outside the control of the international community and the nature of this military megaproject of the future do not leave anyone indifferent.
Officially, the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, which stretches roughly 50 to 600 miles above the earth's surface, right at the edge of space. The observatory's purpose is the exploration of Earth's upper atmosphere and geospace environment. HAARP is the world's most capable high-power, high-frequency transmitter for the study of the highest, ionized part of Earth's atmosphere. HAARP creates airglow by exciting electrons in Earth's ionosphere, similar to how solar energy creates natural aurora with high-frequency radio transmissions, and the airglow appears as a faint red or possibly green patch.
The main element of the research facility is a large radio wave transmitter. And that the bioeffects of radio frequency radiation are expected to be non-existent, and humans and animals are not expected to be affected outside of the exclusion fence being placed around the facilities. And also they say that the HAARP scientific experiments were in no way linked to the solar storm or high auroral activity seen around the globe. The HAARP project is research funded by the U.S. Air Force, the Navy, and the University of Alaska with the official purpose of 'understanding, simulating, and controlling ionospheric processes that could change the operation of communications and surveillance systems.'
Discrete and located in the middle of nowhere, it is officially a complex consisting of 360 emitters placed in 180 antennas at the height of 20 meters that can penetrate the ionosphere and 5 generators with a total power of 16 megawatts that can heat the ionosphere above any point on the globe and create artificial plasma. And thus allow the U.S. an unparalleled level of space patrol.
Operations of the research facility were transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks (Fairbanks Geophysical Institute takes over the HAARP Program and all facility operations in 2015), allowing HAARP to continue with exploration of ionospheric phenomenology. The HAARP Program has remained, and the radar complex in Alaska is operating at full capacity. According to the opinion of a number of experts, research campaigns and numerous tests per year threaten humanity with geostrategic consequences and a cosmic environmental disaster.
Since it opened, HAARP has hosted many scientists doing applied research for the military. One such study was using the antenna array to heat a part of the ionosphere, which in turn acted as a low-frequency antenna that could send an ocean-penetrating signal to a submarine. Antennas can generate ultra-low frequency waves that significantly expand the possibilities of military communications or directly affect the human body, primarily brain functions.
Is it really speculation that the HAARP project is a U.S. weapon capable of controlling the climate by causing floods, earthquakes, and other catastrophes?
In 1999, the European Parliament issued a resolution stating that HAARP was manipulating the environment for military purposes, calling for an assessment of the project. In 2002, the Russian Parliament presented President Vladimir Putin with a report signed by 90 deputies from the international relations and defense communities claiming that HAARP was a new 'geophysical weapon capable of manipulating the earth's lower atmosphere. The objectives of HAARP include theoretical and experimental investigations to characterize the interactions of radio waves in the ionosphere and the subsequent effects on communications, radar, and navigation systems.
The Pentagon was unable to begin testing HAARP for a long time due to a wave of protests in the U.S., Canada, and Northern Europe against 'military scientific stations' whose experiments could lead to a global catastrophe due to side effects of action on the atmosphere, seismic activity, and ozone layer of the earth. The HAARP (Alaska) complex is united with the most mobile radar PRO on the U.S. base in Greenland and the Globe 2 rocket station in Northern Norway, thus forming a kind of triangle that practically controls the entire Arctic and neighboring territories. The complex was put into operation in the mid-nineteen hundreds, and in 2004, the entire triangle (Alaska, Greenland, Norway) began to work.
This complex was most active in 2008, which was a record year for snowfall, unprecedented floods, and the most destructive earthquakes were predicted, after which technological disasters would begin. Just these days, the newly elected President of the U.S.A. Donald Trump shocked the world with the statement that the U.S. will establish control over Greenland (and there is certainly a big reason... why... acquiring Greenland from Denmark). One of the reasons concerns the role of a crucial military installation and the U.S. Space Base on the world's largest island, which supports missile warning, missile defense, space surveillance, and an installed radar system for navigation and is used for surveillance, communication, navigation, and weather. The Space Base hosts multinational climatic, seismic, and deep space research. Scientists with NASA, the Naval Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Lab, and numerous universities were involved in HAARP research campaigns.
The most information about HAARP was found in the documentation of Zbigniew Brzezinski and J. F. McDonald's, which shows how negative effects can be produced on human health and mind. Brzezinski's statements about the necessity of creating a society with more control and guidance... which leaves no room for doubt. The U.S. military has been experimenting with this technology for 20 years... experiments with rain, through playing with lightning and hurricanes to programs for predicting and causing earthquakes. When it comes to the use of this largest and most versatile transmitter in the world, American researchers are studying the use of the HAARP system in order to penetrate the signals reflected from the ionosphere to a depth of several kilometers into the earth in order to enable the location of tunnels and underground weapons warehouses.
The problem is that the radiation frequency can cause damage to the human brain and the animal and plant world. The HAARP electromagnetic system would in all cases produce physiological and perceptual disturbances and disorientation, and electromagnetic waves are invisible and difficult to interfere with. Many scientists claim that this system can achieve the effect of heating and cooling certain areas of the earth's surface; cloudbursts or the absence of precipitation can be initiated. The field of application of this system also includes radio locating beyond the horizon, establishing a radio connection with submarines, destroying all flying objects, causing failure of electronic equipment of space apparatus and objects on earth, provoking breakdowns in electrical networks, and much more.
There is an assumption that HAARP is also a psychotronic weapon capable of affecting the mental and moral condition of people in a certain region of the planet. Some scientists also claim that HAARP can cause an earthquake and that high-frequency waves can be used to initiate the release of the intensity of instability at the joints of tectonic plates... and that an earthquake can be caused by inserting a nuclear charge into the zone of seismic instability... An artificial explosion causes vibrations of the earth's crust. Nikola Tesla drew attention to the fact that if the ionosphere is affected artificially, then the climate can also be affected, that is, the lower layers of the atmosphere. His idea is also about wireless energy transmission. Tesla is considered to be the founder of third-generation weapons... whose experiments in the field of electric fields and high energies shocked contemporaries.
Even at the beginning of the last century, he said that he could 'split the earth' in half with a precisely calculated energy strike. Tesla realized many experiments, such as obtaining permanent artificial ball lightning and illuminating the sky at night over the ocean at a distance of a thousand km. He also built a structure with a copper plate on the top and an amplifying transmitter on Long Island... With that object, he created artificial lightning... and performed other experiments with the atmosphere. He called the new physical principle at climate action 'the resonance effect' and the most important patents concerned Tesla's principle of resonance.
And on his ideas is based the study of a fundamentally new superweapon HAARP... auroral resonant phased antennas... and as a result of their synchronized work, additional ionization of a certain segment of the atmosphere takes place. Tesla worked for science to study new physical principles—climate control. And the U.S. military leadership was, of course, interested in the practical results of his activity. His diaries and manuscripts disappeared under unexplained circumstances. But, in any case, Tesla's ideas are used in the implementation of the program to create climate weapons. Many scientists consider that the American military program HAARP is based on the patents for inventions that Tesla developed.
It is interesting to mention the book by famous scientists Nicolas Begich and journalist Jeane Manning, Nikola Tesla and His Evil Weapon—the main military secret of the U.S. Thanks to the global information network, Begich and Manning gathered knowledge about the mysterious HAARP system built in Alaska in order to present us with a new controversial science built on the foundations of Tesla's discoveries. Financiers of High Frequency Active Auroral Research want to present it as a purely scientific and research project, launched with the aim of improving the quality of life on the planet.
This is a completely new type of weapon of unimaginable power designed by institutions (like the Pentagon and CIA) closely connected with the U.S. government, army, and secret services in cooperation with Fairbanks University in Alaska. Dr. Begich and Manning came up with the patent documentation, which states that with this invention, a huge amount of energy can be sent into the atmosphere at a desired airplane's strategic location.
The application of technology can disrupt the flight of airplanes and rockets, and a sophisticated guidance system can cause interference in communication systems on the ground and in the air. It is considered possible to influence climate change by changing the upper atmosphere and redirecting winds with the formation of atmospheric particles. The authors draw attention to the documents that talk about a system for manipulating and disturbing human mental processes by means of pulsed radio/frequency radiation with the application over large geographical areas.
In this way, a system can be developed that would seriously threaten the brain function of a large population in certain regions over a long period of time. No matter how they justify the project, scientists claim that the effects of using this lever of power in our natural shield…in the ionosphere…would be cataclysmic. Acting on the ionosphere with electromagnetic waves, bombarding upper layers of the atmosphere with directed controlled rays that return to earth as a deadly weapon with unfathomable effects.
The founder of the NO HAARP Movement, Clare Zickuhr, warns the public about the immaturity and incompetence of dilettantes who play with forces they are not able to control... The military can strike the ionosphere, and then they will watch what happens...and have no idea what to do next.
During the Cold War, there were Soviet secret studies that, in response to similar actions by the U.S., implied the existence of underground explosions in the Pacific Ocean to create tsunami waves that covered the coastal territory of a potential enemy. In Soviet times, near Nizhny Novgorod, a unique complex named 'Sura' was equipped, but its capabilities were significantly lower than HAARP. A radio station that was built in Krasnoyarsk in Soviet times could be compared to HAARP in terms of characteristics (its activity was stopped during the reign of Yeltsin).
Maybe the U.S. won't even need nuclear weapons, since they have much more powerful ones that are not subject to classification at the moment... that means climatic weapons... weapons of mass destruction. Such is the dominance of the gigantic system of the only superpower... And there is practically no reaction to that system in the world. Whether it is possible to take measures at the international level, like raising questions about plans for the development and use of U.S. climate weapons that pose a danger to all of humanity? A non-rhetorical question that we can ask is: With what purpose does the United States spend trillions of dollars on those programs? To study the Aurora Borealis? Still, it is a serious matter.
By the way, since 1974, the General Assembly of the UN banned the use of ecological weapons... and the same climatic weapon (climate weapons are more terrifying than nuclear weapons)... Therefore, the fact of the development of climatic weapons has been confirmed at the world level.