Shooting and printing across different mediums, Zoe Chait has created an intimate group of portraits of her friend Sophie, a beloved musician. Chait photographed and filmed their relationship over four years during Sophie's public transformation from an underground music producer into a trans icon.
First conceived of in June 2020 with Sophie's participation and support, what dream is a restaging of Chait’s exhibition Noise – first shown at Ramiken, New York in June 2021, five months after the late musician’s passing.
In this iteration, the artist reinterprets some of the images previously shown, rendering them into abstractions by isolating a stage in the traditional printmaking process of heliogravure. She describes, “There is something beautiful about the physicality of this moment – the earthly materials of iron oxide and copper, the way they abstract the original image in becoming the negative and positive. This intermediary state of potential is something we can also view as being complete”.
what dream is a reflection on the materiality of memory and what it means to reprocess the images and experiences we hold on to.
(Text by Annie Godfrey Larmon)
Zoe Chait (b. 1992, Los Angeles) lives and works in New York. As a photographer and filmmaker, she has developed a practice of long-term documentary portraiture in which she lives with and follows her subjects over time, observing and reflecting on familial history, sexuality and gender within the process of individuation.