The exhibition of the Glyptotek’s Danish collection presents a selection of works by prominent artists spanning the late eighteenth to late nineteenth century, including Jens Juel, C.W. Eckersberg, Christen Købke, J. Th. Lundbye, Martinus Rørbye, P.S. Krøyer, Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen, and many more. Showcasing a series of key works within Danish art history, the exhibition offers insight into the central themes and motifs which characterised the period, including nature studies and landscapes, model studies, portraits, and a fascination with antiquity. Tying the exhibition together is the story of a remarkable art collection initiated by Carl Jacobsen in the end of the 1800s.

In the Winter Garden, visitors will find a highlight from the museum’s collection of early twentieth-century Danish sculpture: Kai Nielsen’s The Water Mother, which has today become iconic for the Glyptotek.

In March 2022 the Glyptotek acquired a painting by the Danish Golden Age painter, Christen Købke, that is on display in the exhibition. The work is highly uncharacteristic of the Danish artist, who is best known for his landscape paintings and portraits. But the painting, En bacchantinde på en søtiger (A Bacchante on a Sea Tiger) (1839) reveals a more decorative and less familiar aspect of the artist’s work, as the motif combines ancient mythology with the Danish Golden Age. Read more about the acquisition here.