he basic exhibition offers a twofold glimpse behind the sce­nes: firstly, of course, behind those of the puppet theatre, and secondly behind those of the Puppentheatersammlung; a collection designed to preserve the relics of a fleeting art form and capture its magic for future generations.

Museumgoers at primary school age and older are invited to explore puppetry from every angle. Six sections present the basics of puppeteering, from the different animation techniques and stage types to the stories told on those stages. Both traditional and modern forms of puppetry are presented, and along with them the people who practised this unique art form and brought it to life.

Highlights from the collection include the marionettes crea­ted at the Bauhaus art school in Weimar, the Sandmann – a classic children’s TV character – and Hohnsteiner Kasper, a local version of Punch or Pulcinella. These accom-pany numerous items that are on display for the first time, demonstrating the variety of this very special genre that has delighted audiences for centuries.