Nüart Gallery presents Lines of expression, an exhibition that brings together the distinct yet complementary practices of Peter Stephens and Guillaume Seff.

In Peter Stephens’ latest series, color and form function like variables in an equation—deliberately placed yet yielding outcomes that are always, somehow, surprising. His works invite a kind of visual calculation, a quiet reckoning with patterns and grids that pulse with their own internal rhythm. Through a refined interplay of color and geometry, Stephens explores how visual perception can be manipulated, inviting viewers into a space where movement seems to occur not on the canvas but within the viewer’s own eye. His paintings are less a statement and more a question: What happens when color does not simply decorate a surface but disrupts it, challenges it, and makes it almost hum with potential?

Guillaume Seff’s paintings speak in a language that feels both personal and universal. His work maps an internal terrain—not with geography but with layers of pigment and grain, where each brushstroke is an echo and every color a heartbeat. His compositions are often monochromatic, punctuated by flashes of vivid color, like sudden bursts of emotion in an otherwise restrained narrative. Seff constructs his canvases like a poet composing stanzas—attuned to the spaces between words as much as to the words themselves. His approach is both passionate and contemplative, reflecting an existential inquiry into experience and perception. Meaning emerges in the silences—the soft grays, deep blacks, and unexpected reds—where time bends, folds, and circles back, mirroring the rhythms of thought and memory.

Lines of expression juxtaposes two approaches to abstraction that, while distinct, share a common interest in what lies beneath the surface—whether that surface is defined by vibrant color or subtle texture. Peter Stephens’ dynamic compositions, filled with movement and vibrancy, meet Guillaume Seff’s introspective works, where the tactile and the ephemeral coexist in quiet tension.