Moroccan emigrants constitute a human and economic force that contributes to the stability and development of the Kingdom of Morocco. The number of Moroccans living abroad registered with the Kingdom's consular network reached 5.1 million people as of April 2021, which represents 15% of the population of Morocco. However, by adding people living abroad who are not registered with consulates—whether Moroccans born in Morocco and residing abroad or dual nationals born and residing abroad whose one or both parents hold Moroccan nationality—the total number of Moroccans abroad can be estimated at between 6 and 6.5 million people.
According to data published last year by the Social, Economic and Environmental Council in a report on immigrants, Europe hosts 89% of Moroccan immigrants (4.5 million Moroccans registered in the European Kingdom's consulates), while the rest are distributed among more than 100 countries in the world (202,000 in Asia, 212,000 in Africa, and 150,000 in America).
France has the largest share of Moroccans abroad, exceeding one million people, while in Spain their number reached 900,000, and in Belgium their number in 2021 reached about 570,000, which represents 5% of the population of this country, and in the Netherlands there are about 415,000 Moroccans according to 2021 statistics, and in Italy 423,000 according to 2019 statistics. The members of the Moroccan community abroad are characterised by being most active young people, and the national study of international migration conducted by the High Commission for Planning in 2020 showed that 60% of Moroccans abroad are between the ages of 15 and 39, while the percentage of people aged 60 and over is less than 4%.
Educated talents with remarkable development
Moroccans of the world constitute the 13th region of the Kingdom of Morocco. The constitution pays great attention to Moroccan immigrants by dedicating 5 chapters to them. Moroccans of the world contribute to the development of their country's economy by enriching the treasury with hard currency through remittances and through investment and tourism. Moroccans abroad enjoy a relatively higher educational level than the average recorded for the country's population, as more than a third of them have a high educational level (33.5%), and a third of them have a secondary level.
In recent years, highly educated Moroccan talents have been heading towards Canada and the United States of America more than their interest in traditional immigration destinations (France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany), and 76% of Moroccans residing in North America hold higher education degrees compared to 48% of immigrants who head to traditional European destinations.
Moroccan living abroad, a pillar of Morocco national development
The Moroccan living abroad is a fundamental pillar of the Kingdom's development, whether on the economic, social, or cultural levels. With an active and dynamic presence throughout the world, Moroccans living abroad (MRE) continue to strengthen ties with their country of origin, while significantly contributing to the creation of wealth in host countries. Their efforts and commitment represent considerable potential for Morocco, both in terms of skills transfers and direct investments. The Moroccan community abroad constitutes a lever of development, not only for Morocco, but also for host countries.
Thanks to well-organised and unwavering solidarity, Moroccans installed outside the Kingdom manage to forge strong ties with their native land, thus offering unique opportunities for mobilisation and reintegration of skills. The Moroccan Diaspora today constitutes a formidable lever of development and growth in host countries. It also represents a real potential for know-how, solidarity, human resources, and investments for Morocco. The Moroccan networks abroad are numerous and often well-organised, forging close ties with their country of origin. They constitute an effective network on which any action to mobilise or reintegrate the skills of Moroccans living abroad must be based.
The Moroccan living abroad and the Moroccan economy
The Moroccan diaspora is crucial for the Moroccan economy. According to the World Bank's "Migration and Development" report of June 2024, remittances from Moroccans abroad reached a record level of $11.8 billion in 2023, an increase of 5.2%. These transfers represent 8.2% of Moroccan GDP, exceeding foreign direct investment. The 2023 earthquake in Al Haouz accentuated this increase, illustrating the countercyclical nature of these financial flows.
Despite the progress made in transfer channels and financial inclusion, challenges remain, including reducing transfer costs and adopting digital methods. Remittances sent by migrants are used to finance projects, improve living standards, and support local economic activities, thus contributing to poverty reduction and rural development. The diaspora also brings skills and technical and technological know-how, helping to modernise economic sectors in Morocco. The Moroccan Diaspora is an asset for the economic and social development of the Kingdom, and its role should be strengthened.
Public policies for the Moroccan Diaspora
Morocco has adopted various policies to strengthen ties with its Diaspora: regular consultations, simplification of administrative procedures, promotion of tourism, creation of investment platforms, support programs, free zones, cultural events, teaching the Arabic language, specialised media, partnerships with associations, and financial support for these associations, among others. Despite these efforts, coordination between actors and measuring the impact of these policies remains challenging. It would be wise to further involve the private sector in these policies and assess their impact on Morocco's economic and social development.
Promoting Morocco's presence in international organisations
The promotion of Moroccan candidacies within international organisations constitutes an important strategic axis because of its contribution to increasing the influence and Soft Power of our country. It is necessary to develop a network of contacts, to constitute a database of Moroccan skills, to build solid application files, and to set up strategic communication. Cooperation with African, Arab, and Islamic countries is essential to increase the chances of success of Moroccan candidacies.
Furthermore, ensuring the success of Moroccan candidacies requires adaptation to the specificities of each target organisation, the promotion of Morocco's role on the international scene, and the strengthening of the positive image of the country. The Moroccan Diaspora has distinguished itself internationally by its dynamism, its competence, and by the crucial role it plays in the economic and social development of Morocco. Strengthening this role and promoting Moroccan candidacies within international organisations will contribute to consolidating Morocco's soft power and defending its interests on a global scale.