Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery presents Contemplative, the most recent solo exhibition of the outstanding artist Tania Marmolejo. Born in the Dominican Republic and based in New York, Marmolejo has built a solid international career, exhibiting in prestigious galleries around the world. Recognized for her powerful female depictions with large, piercing eyes, Marmolejo has developed a deeply symbolic style of her own that, on this occasion, invites viewers to immerse themselves in an introspective reflection on identity, memory and female empowerment.

Over the past three years, Marmolejo has taken his art on a successful international tour, where all of his exhibitions have been received with great enthusiasm, including his most recent show at Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery in the Dominican Republic in 2021. His most recent solo shows include What was saved from the fire at Loyal Gallery, Stockholm; Under the influence at Villazan Gallery, Madrid and Alter Egos at Eligere Gallery, Seoul. This global tour reaffirms his position as one of the most influential voices in contemporary art, capable of captivating audiences in Europe, Asia and North America. In addition, Marmolejo has broken sales records at Sotheby's international auctions in Hong Kong and New York, a testament to her growing demand in the contemporary art market.

Contemplativa brings together key works from his career, highlighting iconic pieces such as The bunny collection (2010), A special place in mind (2023), and the more recent La contemplativa and Brisita de verano (2024). Through these portraits, Marmolejo explores the emotional duality between fragility and strength, framing his female characters in dreamlike landscapes and symbolically charged situations. The great protagonists of his paintings, with their intense gazes, not only capture the viewer's attention, but also raise universal questions about the role of women in contemporary society.

In this exhibition, Marmolejo continues to develop his fascinating fusion of influences, ranging from his connection to nature and Scandinavian mysticism to his Dominican heritage, reflected in the chromatic richness and emotional sensitivity of his works. His work has managed to transcend borders, captivating both the public in the Dominican Republic and international collectors, who have seen in his proposal an original and contemporary artistic voice. Each of the pieces that make up Contemplative is an intimate journey into what it means to be a woman in the present, a journey of resistance and rediscovery through time.

This exhibition represents a significant moment in Tania Marmolejo's artistic evolution, consolidating her growth and visibility both locally and internationally. Contemplativa is framed within the outstanding trajectory of the Lyle O. Reitzel gallery, which next year will celebrate three decades in the arts market in the Dominican Republic. Throughout these 30 years, the gallery has reaffirmed its commitment to the promotion of artistic talent, contributing significantly to the development of the country's cultural scene.