Israel state was founded by Ben-Grion on 14 May 1948, and a haven was created for the Jews all over the world facing persecution. Israel claims to create a haven for themselves, but it has doomed the aspiration of Palestinians to create a safe and secure homeland. Palestinians cry over the creation of Israel, which has disposed them of their homes, and deprived them of their dreams of a separate state.

The wars led to about 700,000 Palestinians being displaced from their homes. They migrated to Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, along with Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank. Israel has been a close ally of the United States, and claims they were attacked by five Arab states the day after creation.

Major wars of Israel

Israel launched a major attack on Syria and Egypt in 1967. Israel took the West Bank, Arab East Jerusalem from Jordan, and also the Golan Heights from Syria.

In 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israeli positions at the Suez Canal and Golan Heights, which led to the beginning of the Yom Kippur War. Israel pushed the armies back in three months.

Israel state attacked Lebanon in 1982, and it led to the evacuation of thousands of Palestinian fighters under Yasser Arafat. Israel left Gaza in 2005, which it had taken from Egypt in 1967. Gaza saw major setbacks in 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2021. These were the times when Israel launched attacks on Palestine, and Palestinians launched rocket fire, and it also led to cross-border incursions. The Palestinian intifadas in 1987-1993 and later in 2000-05 occurred. Hamas did suicide bomb attacks on Israel.

Peace talks between Israel and Palestine

A peace treaty was signed between Egypt and Israel which ended their 30 years of aggression. Both Yasir Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shake hands on the Oslo Accords. Israel also signed a peace treaty with Jordan in 1994.

The Camp David summit of 2000 led to the failure of a peace deal between President Bill Clinton, Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and Arafat.

Also, in 2002, the Arab Plan suggested normal relations between Arab countries in exchange for the withdrawal of lands they took in the 1967 Middle East war, and led to the creation of a Palestinian state. Now, the peace efforts have been postponed since 2014.

The efforts of a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine have not been fruitful. Palestinians have boycotted dealings with US President Donald Trump as it reversed decades of U.S. state policy and supported Israel.

What about peace now?

Now, the situation is getting worse day by day. The present condition has led to major unrest and chaos in Palestinian territories. Hamas attacked on October 7, and Israel retaliated by launching a major attack on Palestinian territories.

Israel has murdered more than 40000 Palestinians and destroyed the lives of common people. Women and children are murdered, and many are still under the remains of buildings bombarded by the Israeli army.

Israeli army and people post videos like their doing some marvelous achievement by murdering unarmed Palestinians. No one endorses the murder of Israeli citizens in the Hamas attack, but still killing innocent civilians is not acceptable.

Israel has bombed schools and hospitals, and scores of civilians are displaced from their homes and living in miserable conditions. Palestinians are deprived of basic life facilities, while Israel offers the best education and health care to its citizens.

Why not extend some generosity to your neighbors who happen to be humans too? I urge the world leaders to please step up and stop Israel from mass murder and genocide of Palestinian citizens.

Solution to the main Israeli-Palestinian issues

Peace can only happen through a two-state solution, which is an agreement to create a state for the people of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Hamas claims that Israel should move back to the territories before 1967. Many countries also disapproved of the land occupation by Israel in 1967. However, Israel is adamant and cites historical and biblical reasons to claim the occupied territories.

Also, Palestinians desire East Jerusalem, which is sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims. But Israel states Jerusalem to be its indivisible and eternal capital. The U.S. government also supports the Israeli claim and made the U.S. embassy in 2018.

So, the current situation in the Palestinian territories is hopeless, with Israeli terror and claims to be a superior nation and people of the world. How long will the weak be oppressed and deprived of their legal rights to freedom and dignity? The world knows the blood of Palestine will not go in vain. Someday the oppressed will find justice, if not here but in another world.