Long-Sharp Gallery will kick off its fall exhibition calendar with Sight|sound, an exhibition bringing together works from artists across the globe.

Sight|sound explores the creative interrelations between the auditory and the visual. Some expressions are perhaps obvious, visual artists throughout history who have captured the likenesses of musicians in film, drawing, or paint - among those Andy Warhol’s drawings and photographs of Michael Jackson and Russell Young’s (UK/US) diamond dusted screenprint of Jimmy Hendrix.

A second, slightly more attenuated group of works center song lyrics and melodies that have captured hearts and imaginations; these include Robert Motherwell’s Lyric Suite, text works by the late Chris Bracey (UK) and David Spiller (UK), and contemporary paintings by Shaunt’e Lewis (Indianapolis/US) and Constance Edwards Scopelitis (Indianapolis/US). Perhaps the most subtle, the final selection of works in this exhibition explore the rhythm of creation, the objective and subjective appearance of sound. Artists whose works embody this theme include Daniel Mullen (Netherlands), Rachel Hellmann (Indianapolis/US), Tarik Currimbhoy (US), and Oliver Marsden (UK).

This exhibition in Long-Sharp Gallery will take place simultaneously with a solo exhibition of Bernie Taupin’s photographic collages in the lobby of Conrad Indianapolis. Taupin, renowned for his illustrious songwriting for the likes of Elton John, Alice Cooper, and Rod Stewart, turned to the visual arts in the 1990s. A painting by the artist will also be featured in Sight|sound in Long-Sharp Gallery proper; seven Pop art prints - reimaginations of photographs by friend and photography legend Terry O’Neill - will comprise the solo exhibition in the lobby of the Conrad hotel.