Lois Lambert Gallery presents Echoes, the most recent exhibition of work by artist Sasinun Kladpetch.

Kladpetch is most known for her minimalist sculptures, using both industrial and organic materials to reflect the beauty of nature that is hidden among urban living. She combines clay, concrete, plaster, resin, and ceramics with dirt and moss that she’s collected from across the United States and even from her home in Thailand.

With the creation of her multimedia sculptures, Kladpetch asks us to witness the beauty that occurs when Man and Nature coexist rather than disrupt. “I am inspired by architecture and nature. I love the combination of both and how, even in unusual environments, Nature always finds a way to thrive”.

This exhibition presents several of Kladpetch’s different bodies of work. For her Dirt box series, Kladpetch mixes and compresses soil and glue to create large building blocks of packed earth. Clumps of earth are visible in the surface of these free-standing boxes, the organic matter contrasting the straight and uniform edges of the box’s architecture.

In the Spin and Totems series, Kladpetch brings together ceramics and molded concrete in delicately balanced structures. Some works give the illusion that the ceramic forms are being shaped and distorted by the weight of the concrete block resting precariously on top. Other works are wholly grounded by concrete bricks, giving rise to an unusual tower of assorted organic and geometric forms. For Kladpetch, the materials and the process of creating something entirely unexpected are most important in her work.

Sasinun Kladpetch is a multimedia artist, born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Decorative Art at Silpakorn University in Bangkok. In 2016, Kladpetch graduated with an MFA from San Francisco Art Institute in California. Kladpetch participated in an Artist Residency at Chateau D’Orquevaux in France. Her work has been exhibited throughout California, as well as in Thailand, the UK, Colombia, and Germany. This is Kladpetch’s first exhibition at Lois Lambert Gallery.