JoAnne Artman Gallery is pleased to present Masquerade, a solo exhibition of new works by Anna Kincaide.

In Masquerade, Anna Kincaide continues her ongoing conversation around female identity, femininity, and autonomy. Communicating emotion and narrative without reliance on the figures’ facial expressions, cascades of flowers cover her subjects to convey anonymity and transformation. These florals become Kincaide’s vehicle for representing the female mind and the often-conflicting ideologies and societal expectations placed on women.

The incorporation of elements from Art Nouveau, the Vienna Secessionist Movement, and fashion photography combine with the positioning and outfitting of each portrait to reveal socio-cultural emblems of status and identity, even in the absence of the face. While Kincaide redefines and breaks from these and numerous other art historical canons, it is the defining separation between the body and mind that creates the central theme in her work; the idea of the ambiguity between our physical bodies, personal identity and that private, internal space of the human mind, which expands and unfurls like a flower in bloom.

Viscerally visible and tangible, this new series incorporates mixed media components from paper, fabric, and gold leaf application with her chosen medium of oil on canvas.

Anna Kincaide’s work will inspire, provoke, engage and mesmerize. With visual perceptions always changing, peek behind the stories told and you’re sure to find the right artistic expression.