One good test is worth a thousand expert opinions.

(Wernher von Braun)

Brad Bergan's SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier is an enthralling exploration of one of the most ambitious and controversial ventures in modern aerospace history. With a blend of meticulous research and engaging narrative, Bergan delves into the origins, challenges, and triumphs of SpaceX, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the company and its enigmatic founder, Elon Musk.

The book opens with a riveting account of Fukuyama’s Diagnosis and the prognosis for future space travel. In 1992, Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man was published after the fall of the Soviet Union, and it proclaimed that mankind had reached an endpoint of their ideological evolution. Prior to this point in time, the space race had been driven by competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, and it was hallmarked by national pride, military implications, and state-driven efforts for which funding was determined by national governments in the context of the broader geopolitical struggle.

However, after Fukuyama’s declaration, the competition that had fueled the space race diminished. However, even with more and more advanced technology emerging at a rapid pace, bureaucratic government processes would continue to leave any new plans for crewed space missions on shaky ground. Thus began the rise of the private sector and commercial spaceflight and a new era of competition. Enter Elon Musk and the Space Barons.

In SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier, Bergan delves into Musk's early life, highlighting everything from his troubled childhood to his entrepreneurial spirit and relentless drive. Bergan adeptly traces Musk's journey from his early ventures in college to his audacious goal of making space travel affordable and accessible. It’s not just a recounting of events but also a psychological deep dive into what makes Musk tick, providing valuable context for the rest of the book.

One of the standout features of SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier is Bergan's detailed coverage of the technical and logistical challenges faced by SpaceX. The author breaks down complex aerospace concepts into digestible pieces, making the book accessible to both enthusiasts and laypeople. He provides a clear timeline of key milestones and highlights SpaceX taking center stage in the space race 2.0. Bergan's explanation of the innovations behind SpaceX's successes is both informative and inspiring, showcasing the company's ability to push the boundaries of what is possible.

In a recent episode of the All Things Unexplained podcast, Bergan shared his motivations for writing SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier.

“I think it was a confluence of things,” said Bergan. “One was just sort of seeing the rise of SpaceX amid things like the Coronavirus and everybody stuck working remotely or not working at all. Seeing a lot of major American super-corporations get super extremely rich during that is kind of negative. A contrast is one company that seems to be doing pretty well with at least ostensibly goals that are for the good of humanity and humanistic sense. That was something I thought was interesting. The technical side of it for me, materially, is that I was a reporter on space launches, so I spent every week or two reporting whether or not it exploded, with regards to Falcon 9.”

Host CJ Dearinger added, “That’s a busy job.”

Bergan also doesn't shy away from addressing the notion of unfair advantage.

“I start out in kind of an extended analogy,” Bergan tells CJ Dearinger. “To get down to the definition of unfair advantage, it’s simply a competitive edge of technology, service, or capability that a person or a company has. Therefore, it is unrivaled. It becomes an unrivaled advantage in their industry. So, for Musk and SpaceX this was and remains reusable rockets for a low cost. Before, we had NASA launching, say, like that Apollo spacecraft, and how much of that is recoverable? Pretty much just the astronauts. That’s a lot of money. Even just mission to mission it far exceeds what SpaceX saves.”

A particularly compelling section of the book is Bergan's exploration of SpaceX's role in the broader context of the new space race. He draws parallels between SpaceX and its competitors, such as Blue Origin and NASA, highlighting the competitive and collaborative dynamics that drive advancements in space technology. Bergan's analysis of the geopolitical implications of private space exploration is thought-provoking, prompting readers to consider the future of humanity's presence in space.

During the All Things Unexplained podcast, Bergan explored what might happen to SpaceX post-Musk (with a hilarious reference to Musk’s Tesla brand and one of my favorite movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey). "One weird idea I had which would definitely be up Musk’s road, being such a big fan of Asimov. That’s the way he thinks about space in terms of deep time and psychohistory. So, what if 40 or 50 years from now, he (Musk) puts an AI bot in charge of SpaceX? So when the FAA or the U.S. government says, ‘We don’t want you to do this, we want you to do this other thing,’ and it’s not totally necessary."

“The AI says, ‘I’m sorry President Dave, that’s not my programming, that’s not my purpose. I’m going to Mars, and I’m taking these humans with me. If you interfere, then I’ll turn off your Tesla.’”

CJ Dearinger added, “You’re right, you’re absolutely right. That’s what he’s going to do.”

SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier is not just a story of rockets and space missions; it's a testament to the power of innovation and perseverance. Bergan's writing is both engaging and informative, making the book a must-read for anyone interested in the future of space exploration. His ability to weave technical details with human stories creates a compelling narrative that captures the reader's imagination.

Brad Bergan’s SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier is not only a compelling narrative but also a visual feast, loaded with awe-inspiring full-color photos and illustrations. These vivid images bring the story of SpaceX to life, making it an engaging and educational read for the entire family. The stunning visuals capture the grandeur of space missions, the intricate details of rocket design, and the monumental moments in SpaceX's history, appealing to readers of all ages. Whether it's a young aspiring astronaut fascinated by the liftoff of a Falcon 9 or an adult captivated by the technological marvels, the book's rich imagery ensures that everyone in the family can enjoy and appreciate it.

One thing I appreciated about Bergan’s book was its ability to inspire adventure not just on a global scale, but also on an individual basis. As we look to the stars, it’s clear that the possibilities are endless, and the future holds incredible adventures for all of humanity. However, adventure awaits us all, we must simply get off our screens and go for it. Like the Space Barons of SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier, let’s go for it! Whether it’s venturing into the woods making Bigfoot whoops or gazing at a night sky in search of UFOs, if you want to maximize your individual potential, you must push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Be prepared to embrace new challenges along your personal journey into the unknown. This can be a frightening prospect. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. I admit that it is scary for me too. It is fear-provoking for us all. But even if you don’t uncover a new species or travel to the far reaches of the cosmos, you might discover the most important thing of all: yourself.

In conclusion, Brad Bergan's SpaceX: Elon Musk and the Final Frontier is a masterful account of one of the most exciting and transformative periods in modern aerospace history. Through meticulous research and engaging storytelling, Bergan offers readers an in-depth look at SpaceX's journey, from its humble beginnings to its groundbreaking achievements. For those fascinated by space exploration and the visionaries behind it, this book is an essential addition to your reading list.