In a world where aspirations often seem limitless, the term "dream gaps" encapsulates the distance between our dreams and the reality of achieving them. Coined by Caroline Riseboro, President and CEO of Plan International Canada, in October 2017, this term refers specifically to the barriers that impede girls from realizing their full potential due to harmful gender norms, discrimination, and a lack of access to rights such as education, health, and protection.

What is the dream gap?

Dream gaps refer to the disparities between what individuals aspire to achieve and what they realistically can achieve given their circumstances. These gaps are not merely about unfulfilled dreams but are indicative of systemic barriers that prevent individuals from reaching their goals. Riseboro's concept of the dream gap builds on other inequality gaps, such as the achievement gap, where poorer or minority students perform less well than their wealthier, whiter counterparts.

Factors contributing to the dream gap

  • Socio-economic status: economic background plays a significant role in shaping one's opportunities. Children from low-income families often lack access to quality education, extracurricular activities, and networking opportunities that are readily available to their wealthier peers. This economic divide creates a significant dream gap, as aspirations may remain unfulfilled due to financial constraints.

  • Education: the quality and accessibility of education play a crucial role in bridging dream gaps. Inequities in the education system, such as underfunded schools in disadvantaged areas, limit the potential of students. Access to higher education and vocational training is also critical to enabling individuals to pursue their dreams.

  • Access to resources: Resources such as mentorship, technology, and healthcare are vital in turning dreams into reality. Lack of access to these resources can widen the dream gap. For instance, aspiring entrepreneurs in underdeveloped regions may struggle due to a lack of financial support and business networks.

Caroline Riseboro highlighted that every girl has a dream, but too often, they are held back by systemic barriers. Her advocacy for addressing the dream gap focuses on breaking down these barriers and creating an environment where girls can thrive.

The dream gap project

In October 2018, Mattel, the maker of Barbie, launched the Dream Gap Project. This multiyear, global campaign aims to raise awareness about the dream gap and take steps to close it. The Dream Gap Project focuses on fostering empowering, collaborative, and imaginative play. By doing so, Mattel hopes to inspire girls to believe in their unlimited potential and pursue their dreams without being hindered by societal limitations.

To bridge these dream gaps, a multifaceted approach is needed. Governments and policymakers must implement policies that promote equal opportunities, such as investing in education, ensuring fair wages, and providing social safety nets for disadvantaged individuals. Improving the quality of education through funding for schools, scholarships for higher education, and vocational training programmes is crucial. Promoting gender equality with policies that ensure equal pay, combat gender-based violence, and support women in leadership roles can help narrow the dream gap for women and girls. Expanding access to essential resources like healthcare, technology, and mentorship programmes, often through public-private partnerships, empowers individuals to pursue their dreams. Additionally, grassroots initiatives and community support systems, including mentorship programmes, local scholarships, and support networks, offer tailored solutions that significantly impact individuals and communities.

The concept of dream gaps highlights the inequalities that exist within our society. By acknowledging and addressing these gaps, we can create a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their aspirations. Bridging dream gaps requires collective effort from governments, organisations, and individuals to ensure that dreams do not remain unfulfilled aspirations but become achievable realities. Caroline Riseboro’s advocacy and Mattel’s Dream Gap Project serve as crucial steps in this direction, inspiring a future where dreams are not limited by gender or circumstance.