“The intention of the Fuori collective exhibition, once again for this sixth edition, is that of bringing together and presenting a significant part of the work produced by Carlo Gallerati in these seven years through the works displayed and the publication of the catalogue. The artistic search under-taken since the opening of the gallery has decidedly been aimed at photography and the experi-mental sphere of mixed media. The view of the gallerist and his collaborators, whose voices can be heard in the catalogue text, is focused on original ideas whose expression displays solid, wide-ranging content and is not therefore only formal. The daily commitment in the commercial sector is another of the essential activities of the gallery, which aims through conscious explanation to em-brace an ever wider and more diverse audience. Every exhibition thereby becomes, for Carlo Gal-lerati and the curators who work with him from time to time, a reason for comparison and the pre-text to fuel a debate that contributes effectively to the dissemination of contemporary art.” (Noemi Pittaluga)

“The curious thing about this edition is that certain authors who should be out are in. Let me explain. The usual practice of selecting ten guests outside the 06 group from among non-Romans has given way to a need for completeness. So far, in fact, missing from the walls and pages of the collective exhibition are those artists whose personal exhibitions have been hosted by the gallery but who, be-ing from Rome, tradition would like either within the 06 group or outside Fuori. That is why – in addi-tion to Cinciripini, De Antoniis, Gallucci, Germondari, Roussel and Triac – even Calà, D’Agostino, Serafini and Tomei unusually find themselves among the outsiders.

For various reasons, the signatures of the reviewers do not always match those of the curators: the presentations are sometimes entrusted to short texts that I had written on the occasion of the indi-vidual exhibitions. I admit it then: meanwhile, I am once again at a group event, host and guest, or-ganiser and author, curator and artist; but bringing the two qualities together – as I say to so many people – is something I like very much to think is a successful merger of one with the other. I cer-tainly am not immune to the harsh eyes of the duty curator to whose minute examination all twenty participants must be subjected. and while it is true that the inner ten – other than the external guests – could have remained unchanged from 2006, it is also true that it is impolite to go against people's will, nor is it possible to object to the will of nature.

So, with Cernilli, Monticelli Cuggiò and myself, we are three right from the start; and there are also three very new arrivals – D’Amico, Olivetti and Tobia – while four participated also at the last edi-tion: Nicolò, Orlandi, Placidoli and Viscardi. The austere look – I was saying, as it is normal and right for any curator – is for the second consecutive time by Noemi Pittaluga: with her air of quiet deter-mination but also grace, she has made the intentions clear and the work less difficult. It would be pointless to add anything else: things exist – as is known – and things happen only for those who decide it is worth noticing.” (Carlo Gallerati)

Galleria Gallerati
Via Apuania, 55
Rome 00162 Italy
Ph. +39 06 44258243

Opening hours
Monday - Friday from 5pm to 7pm
Other hours by appointment