Elegy for my deceased father

For my father Herbert Volney who died from a heart attack in December 2022 after suffering from heart disease for more than a decade.

In the twilight of his life, my father's heart did cease
A victim of heart disease, his body did appease
The Grim Reaper's cold embrace, with a heart attack's might
Leaving me with memories, of his love so bright

He was a man of strength, with a heart of gold
A gentle soul, with a spirit so bold.
He guided me through life, with a steady hand
And showed me the way to various lands

His laughter and wit, I'll never forget
The twinkle in his eye and before his death
All of the stories from Dominica he told, of his life so grand
I'll cherish them forever, in this world so bland

He was a man of honour, with a heart of pride
A true gentleman, who never would truly divide
He lived his life, with a spirit so free
And left behind nothing but our family for me

So rest my father, in peaceful sleep
Your memory will live in my heart so deep
I'll keep your love, and your spirit alive
And cherish the moments of the time we thrived

Ode to golf, a game of skill

Oh, golf, a wondrous game of skill and grace
From amateur to pro, it brings us joy and space
Oh fairways wide, with greens so green and bright
A challenge for all, a delightful sight

Oh, clubs, a work of art, so finely crafted
Each one unique, a tool for every task
From drivers so strong to putters so precise
They guide the shots and bring the best to the prize

The ball, a little white dot on the green
A target for swings, a dream to be seen
It rolls and bounces, with each shot so true
A test of skill, a challenge for me and you

Oh, golf, a game of honour and pride
Where amateurs and pros, side by side, reside
With every swing, we strive to be our best
And in the game, we find our peace and rest

From the first tee to the final putt
Golf, you bring us joy, and a sense of what's left
A challenge for the young and old
A game of skill, a tale of gold

So here's to golf, this wondrous game
A source of joy, a source of fame
For those who play, and those who watch
Golf, you are the best, and we are truly blessed

Ode to athletes of the world

Oh, athletes of the world, so strong and so grand
Your actions of bravery and skill for the people in demand
With every leap and every bound, you take our breath away
Oh, your passion and dedication on display

Your sweat and toil, your blood and tears
All sacrificed for the love of the game, overcoming fear
For the thrill of victory, the rush of the chase
You give your all and do it with pace

Oh the cheers of the crowd, the roar of the throng
The adrenaline rush, the rush of belonging
For in the sport arenas, you are the kings and queens
Your glory and fame, the stuff of dreams

But it's not just the success and losses that define you
Your spirits, your hearts, your will to prosper in pursuits
For in the face of any defeat, you rise again
Your courage and resilience, a lamp to all who say "I can"

Oh, athletes of the world, I salute you
Your strength, your grace, your gift to us all
For in your pursuit of excellence, you inspire us
To reach for our own dreams, to strive and to soar

So cheers to you, dear athletes
Our heroes and icons, our flashlights of hope
May your passion and drive never fade away
For your light shines splendidly, and guides us to our own scope

Ode to my old home, Spanish Town

Oh, Spanish Town, Jamaica, land of my dreams
Where reggae music fills the air and memories beam
Your ackee and saltfish, beef patties too
Make my taste buds dance, and my heart sing like Heaven's dew

Your coastline beaches, oh so fine and bright
Where I once basked in the sun with delight
The rhythm of the waves, the sea breeze so cool
I felt alive, my spirit, so seasoned like school

The smell of jerk chicken, and the sound of drums
Fills the air with joy, and makes my heart hum
The beauty of your people, so vibrant and strong
I miss you, Spanish Town, where I once belonged

Your culture, your history, your temperament and soul
I carry with me, wherever I go
For Spanish Town, Jamaica, is a part of me
And I'll always cherish this island, wild and free

Ode to Reduit Beach, St. Lucia

Oh, the joys of Reduit Beach in St. Lucia
Where I swam in the Aqua Sea in delight
With my cousins by my side, we danced and were at leisure
Creating memories that will last all life

My aunts and uncles, wise and full of grace
Shared information of our family from tiny to the great
Of ancestors who braved the salty seas
And founded our lineage, strong and free

We strolled along the sandy shore
With luncheons at the hotel's restaurant, we adored
Feasting on fresh food, laughter and cheer
Our bond as strong as the ocean's gear

The waves caressed the seashells with soothing sounds
As we discussed our family's history profound
Stories of love, hope, and perseverance
Echoing through the generations' essence

Oh, Reduit Beach, you are a treasure true
A haven for our family, through and through
Where we gathered, laughed with warmth as a crew
Forever bonded, our hearts forever in the Caribbean blue

Ode to African people

Oh people of African descent, so full of grace
Of rich history and culture, a shining light in space
From the pyramids of Egypt to the savannahs of the south
Our ancestors' footprints left a lasting impression, like a mouth

Oh, resilience and strength, symbols of hope
A testament to the human spirit, a never-ending scope
From the depths of the transatlantic slave trade
To the heights of modern-day achievements, our story's been played

Oh, African music, a fusion of rhythms and beats
A symphony of drums and melodies, a treat to the streets
Oh, art, a vibrant tapestry of colours and hues
A reflection of our heritage, a beauty to muse

Oh, food, a culinary journey of flavours and spices
A fusion of traditions, a taste of paradise
Oh, language, a melodic blend of dialects and tongues
A testament to diversity, a song of belonging

Oh, people of African heritage, I celebrate you
A rainbow of cultures, a tapestry of hues
Oh, history, oh, struggles, oh, triumphs and pride
A story of resilience, a testament to the human stride