Undoubtedly, technology is driving changes in our personal and professional lives. The rise of technology has led to increased surveillance and privacy issues; personal data can be easily collected and exploited. Digital communication involves the transmission and reception of data through electronic devices and networks. Digital communication has become the mainstay of our every-day interactions. Digital communication is almost instantaneous. Technology has brought about a revolutionary transformation in the way we communicate with each other. Technology has introduced new ways of communicating, such as email, instant messaging, video calls and conferencing, and social media, and led to an increase in the in the lack of face-to-face communication. Instant messages and text messages can be sent and received within seconds, making communication faster and more efficient. We communicate more briefly and informally when texting or typing away online.

Technologies make communication easier, people communicate at long distances, more frequently than before, and there has been a movement away from face-to-face meetings to virtual communications. Today, digital communication has become more important than ever. Digital communication allows us to share photos, videos, and stories instantly. Some argue that technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and a rise in online communications, potentially leading to a decrease in empathy and social skills. Digital communication introduced new forms of abbreviations, slang, and emojis, some of which have been added to official dictionaries. More than ever, we rely on digital technologies to keep us connected. The internet has connected and divided us like nothing before.

Human relations are rapidly evolving through the use of electronic means. eSIM technology is changing global connectivity; smart watches and smart glasses (wearable technology) make digital communication seamless. In this digital age, the world is increasingly communicating with emoticons that look like cave drawings. Non-verbal communication that takes place on social networks and the use of only non-verbal speech is a symptom of a lack of verbal intelligence. Today, digital cave paintings and emoticons are used to express feelings and thoughts. And most of them only use smileys and GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format, a way to react on social media without words). In the comments below some posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other networks, and in many newspaper texts, the use of digital sign writing is encouraged. Millennials grew up alongside smartphones and the internet, and they have a stronger connection with technology. And this generation seems to be lacking when it comes to face-to-face interaction, communicating tactfully, and making eye contact. They experience real discomfort when separated from their devices, and they are less comfortable with non-digital conversation.

One of the main challenges is that non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice can be difficult to convey accurately through digital means. This can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and a lack of emotional connection in digital communication. It seems the cyber generation has a better understanding of digital non-verbal communication than meaningful text or speech. On Instagram, photos are dominant, while on Facebook, you have everything, where it is imperative to show a fake version of the perfect self, and on Twitter, celebrities spill their wisdom and where the election campaign (in the U.S.) is conducted. People mostly read only short texts, the rest are just pictures and emoticons. People, especially the younger ones, do not know how to relate to people in real life. No eye contact, monotone voice—almost like robots. Very scary. We need more education about the new technologies we use in everyday life. Due to the lack of real communication, online communication has become increasingly reliant on emojis.

We use emojis to convey a range of emotions, from joy and love, to frustration. Emoticons can be considered a humanized tool for emotional expressiveness that replaces cues that are naturally present in face-to-face and voice communications. Emoticons enhance the comprehension of messages and provide more fun to the interaction, enabling better comprehension; therefore, they are an expressive resource and are particularly helpful for humans and machines in classifying sarcastic, non-sarcastic, positive, and negative messages. Emojis enhance text messages, emails, social media posts, and even professional communication, allowing people to express themselves more authentically. Emojis add emotion to formal conversations by clarifying the tone of the written conversation. Emojis on social media significantly increased engagement. Brands that use emojis in their marketing messages are seen as more approachable and relatable.

Emojis add emotion, personality, and a human touch to digital conversations. But emojis cannot be a complete replacement for words, especially in situations where precise communication is essential. When we rely on digital communication, we miss out on non-verbal cues like tone, facial expressions, and body language, which are vital in understanding others' emotions fully. Touch is important to our emotional lives, and in ways that the finger-focused haptics of our digital devices cannot satisfy. The cold, sleek touchscreen of a smartphone simply cannot replace the soft, warm, imperceptibly smelly skin of another human. Smell is a really important cue for social communication, and this is something that's not implemented in any technology we are using today. For adults, this may mean less satisfying social lives, but for a generation of children who are increasingly being socialized through technology, the effects could be severe.

Advancement in technology fulfilled some goals of society and, at the same time, had a great impact on human values and ethics. Advantages of technology in communication:

  • Speed and time—instantaneous and efficient,
  • Elimination of wires and cables,
  • Allow remote communications.
  • Mass communication,
  • Reduced costs and time,
  • Expansion of coverage areas.

The negative impacts of technology in communication are:

  • Unlawful use and addiction to technology,
  • Non-social life,
  • An omnipresent distraction,
  • Technology weakens family relations,
  • Misinterpretation,
  • Poor communication skills.

While some forms of technology have made positive changes in the world, there are also negative effects of technology and its overuse. Overuse of social media and mobile devices has been linked to eyestrain, difficulty, and depression. Technology also allowed people to find their voice and express themselves through social media. And at the same time, technological innovation is contributing to the moral decline (of human values among the global population. We hide our true feelings by responding through emoticons and emojis. Virtual messages, emails, chats, or emoticons cannot convey our genuine emotions. If we believe in making a difference and want to touch someone's life, we must speak to them and meet them in person.

Hugging someone is much more effective than sending a virtual message with an emoji to showcase a hug, our voice conveys our genuine emotions, not the emoji. The virtual world is emotionless and untouchable. The real world is still a world of feelings. Communicating face-to-face, we can express ourselves more freely and naturally and see the reactions, gestures, and facial expressions—real contact. We are losing the art of conversation. People are constantly multitasking by emailing, texting, or posting on social networks; we don't give our brains a chance to switch off. Children are learning conversation through messages that can be edited and changed at the expense of learning the art of real conversation in real time with a person in front of them. The vocabulary we have is getting narrower, the concentration span is getting shorter, and people would rather stay in their comfort zone and won't get into conversation, although the internet connects people all over the world.

On the internet, the portals are mostly dominated by short texts; the title is sensational and often longer than the text, which no one reads. Today, emoticons are the pinnacle of eloquence, and the whole arsenal of emoticons and GIFs represents a rich 'language' with which people express their feelings in a 'sophisticated' way. Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) provide the greatest opportunities to spread stupidity. Today, everyone thinks they deserve unimaginable attention. Being cold, selfish, and self-centered is in, while being good has long been out. And such people do much better with emoticons; they have difficulty with words. New technologies did not contribute to the collapse of human values and general madness, but they awakened the primitive in evil people.

The digital world has a negative impact on communication. We share opinions on social media networks with a wider audience, but another big change is that there is no filter on the way we speak. And the risks involved in information communication associated with using technology are: security threats, cybersecurity attack. The increasing connectivity of devices makes them susceptible to cyber threats, including hacking, phishing, malware, ransomware, privacy concerns, data collection, and tracking.

But the reason for our degrading moral values cannot be explained by science. We have our own intellect and senses to judge what is right and what is wrong. Technology has changed ethics in the sense that it's affected our overall culture and perceived norms of behaviour. While some forms of technology have made positive changes in the world, there are also negative ones. Maybe humanity is not ready for such a rapid technological advance. Technological advancement is not the only factor contributing to our society's ills, but it is also a major factor in what could be the end of our civilization as we know it in the relatively near future.

The use and control of access to technology is arguably our biggest existential threat. The main challenges we still have to overcome in this domain include, nuclear warfare, genetic modification of ourselves and other species, biological warfare, and artificial intelligence. Who could get access to potentially destructive technology is the most important. We need systems to regulate this. Technology is unstoppable, so more consideration should be given between increasing the betterment of our lives and the negative impact of certain innovations.

We have to ask ourselves: where have human values disappeared and everything that determines the human species?

The majority have rejected emotions and spirituality and done unimaginable bad things to others. The recipients are to blame for that madness; they exchanged ..love .. for ..interest..and nice words for emoticons. Man can always choose whether he will be a human being or a scam, and emoticons cannot help here.

Digital communication should enhance our lives, not define them, and it is essential to remember the importance of balance. By being mindful of our technology use and setting boundaries, we can ensure that we retain and refine our interpersonal skills in this digital age.