As the name suggests, in this article, we will discuss the most important but very little addressed topic.

We all have experienced impatience in all of us at times. But it is normal to have these perceptions at times.

However, I have observed the effect of social media on impatience. I have observed that more social media one uses, especially at a young age, the more is one likely to experience chronic impatience.

Conversely, maturity of age and intellect and sensible use of social media have a very low effect, if any, on patience.

Patience is the key to a successful life as an individual in a harmonious society. Impatience collectively makes society full of anger and other counterproductive consequences. Let's dig into the reasons for the effect of social media on patience.

Regardless of age, people who use social media for longer periods of time have cultivated a habit that everything is in their control.

Their brain learns that to be in control of everything is normal. And they learn that everything is at their fingertips. Not only. social media, but fast computers, mobiles, and similar gadgets have created a new normal for most of us, as we all use social media.

When these people go to real life from this virtual life, in universities and practical lives, things are almost opposite to what they expect. Things are not at the fingertips and you can't leave the office at your own will.

You are answerable to someone, whether a teacher or a boss. The results are unexpected. You feel panicked and think your workplace or people around you are not understanding. But the fact is that you have never waited in long lines or worked for long periods.

The interesting thing is not to see each individual separately in a scenario. Other people around you are also like you. The result is anger, bullying, fighting, and an unfriendly atmosphere wherever you are. Whether it is at a university, on the roads, in malls, or wherever.

Now, as we have pointed out a possible cause of a problem, what is the solution? The solution is not easy. We all are so addicted to social media and mobile phones that many medical studies show how MRIs of the brains of computer game addicts and opioid addicts are affected similarly.

In my personal and humble opinion, rehabilitation should be at three levels. The first one is the personal level where an individual accepts the issue. It will resolve a large part of the problem.

Secondly, at home, a strong support system such as grandparents, if alive, can play a major role in slowing down things and stopping this snowball of social media usage. For collectivistic societies, this can be a more plausible scenario where generations live under the same roof. For individualistic societies, the community can play a positive role.

The third level of rehabilitation.should be at the state level. In my opinion, to save this generation and the coming generation, some unpleasant steps should be taken, possibly including slowing the internet with specialized apps while taking in confidence human rights organizations, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

The speed of the internet can be diverted as it is more required and should not be the same for everyone. Internet access to learning resources should be low-cost or free. Conversely, the apps and websites which allow you fast switching should not only be slowed but they should be made expensive.

Some online rehabilitation centers may also be opened. And some compulsion may be imposed to attend these workshops.

In concluding remarks, I would like the readers to do brainstorming. If you have any reservations or can think of a better solution, please let me know through email as mentioned in my profile. I feel very good to hear back from my readers.