Pan American Art Projects is very pleased to announce our next exhibition, Made in Miami.

Since the insertion of Art Basel Miami Beach in 2002 the city has become a hub for contemporary art, resulting in a huge influx of artists and galleries here in the past ten years. This interest in art has also extended to the creation of several new institutions such as the Frost Museum at the Florida International University, and more recently the Perez Art Museum Miami.

The artists in this exhibition are Gustavo Acosta, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Carlos Estévez and Carolina Sardi; they all call Miami home and have been based in the city through its evolution into a cultural hub. They all came to Miami from abroad (Carolina Sardi from Argentina, Gustavo Acosta and Carlos Estevez from Cuba and Edouard Duval Carrie from Haiti) and had already reached international acclaim before settling here which is a testament to the draw that Miami has with its rich cultural panorama. This exhibition explores how moving to the city has played a role in the evolution of the artists' work.

Gustavo Acosta was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1958. He attended the San Alejandro Academy, and later on the Superior Institute of Art (ISA), both in Havana. Acosta left Cuba in 1993 and moved to Miami in 1994.Since the beginnings of his career he has been interested in architecture as a symbol of power. Over the years he has been portraying the different cities where he has lived, sometimes while living there and then again after having moved away. However it was not until recently that he started to include Miami in his works, and in 2011 he paid homage to the city in his solo exhibition Here, presented at Pan American Art Projects. Currently, a vast selection of his work is on a touring exhibition in Brazil, which began at the Caixa Cultural de Rio de Janeiro.

Edouard Duval-Carrié was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1954. He was educated at the University of Loyola Montreal, Quebec, in Canada; and at the EcoleNationaleSuperieure des Beaux Arts, Paris in France. Duval- Carrie moved to Miami in 1992 and swiftly established himself as an integral factor in the city's cultural fabric. His work explores the social and historical aspects of Haitian culture. His imagery includes very often Voodoo gods combined with aspects of classical mythology and Haiti's national heroes, the typical fusion that characterizes the Caribbean. His images are visual examples of Magic Realism, portraying a world in which reality and mythology come hand in hand. Edouard Duval-Carrie will have a major solo show opening this March at PAMM.

Carlos Estevez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1969. He was educated at the Elemental School of Plastic Arts 20 de Octubre, at the San Alejandro Academy, and at the Superior Institute of Art (ISA), all in Havana, Cuba. Estevez left Cuba in 2003 and came to Miami in 2004.Estevez’s work has always gravitated towards spiritual and philosophical themes and from very early in his career he has been interested in the medieval era, which led him to discover alchemy. He became aware of its existence as a scientific and a philosophical tendency and applied it to his art. He also adopted the symbolism used by alchemists and included it in his work, making it part of his artistic language and bringing the centuries-old practice to life. Estevez is currently taking part in the First Biennale of Contemporary Art in Martinique with his installation Flying Notebook, on view at the Biblioteca Schoelcher.

Carolina Sardi was born in Argentina and was educated at the National University of La Plata, in Argentina, then apprenticed with the sculptor Ennio Iommi. Sardi moved to Miami in 1995, and took a studio space at the Art Center on Lincoln Road. She is best known for her wall installations comprised of organic elements cut from steel and aluminum. She plays with the effects of volume, light and shadow, adding to the work another layer of possibilities. In a recent series she uses polished gold, copper, or chrome surfaces, in which the viewers can find their own reflections, thereby introducing a variety of added readings. Sardi has been commissioned for several site specific large scale installations in many of many of this city’s acclaimed buildings and private homes, including most recently the newly finished Apogee Hollywood condominiums and upcoming Icon Bay project.

Pan American Art Projects
2450 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami (FL) 33127 United States
Tel. +1 (305) 5732400

Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm

Related images

  1. Carolina Sardi, Green, Lavender and Yellow, 2007, Painted Steel, 55 x 67 x 2 inches. Courtesy of the artists and Pan American Art Projects
  2. Gustavo Acosta, Corner Lot, 2013, Acrylic on canvas, 75 x 118 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Pan American Art Projects
  3. Carlos Estevez, Theatrum Mundi, 2008, Mixed media, 56 x 96.50 inches